one Dragon Ball: Spark Zero The biggest draw lies in the different narrative branches and what-if scenarios. Fans love seeing crazy storylines, especially when they lead to unique battles or new characters. A good example is Gohan Black, which is an interesting twist on Demon Goku Black. He’s become popular enough that everyone wants to play his character, although that’s easier said than done.
This supposed villain has a story of his own behind a tough battle. it’s not that bad or confusing Get all of Jiren’s endingsbut I wouldn’t blame you if you’re having trouble unlocking it. We’ll cover how to encounter him in Episode Battle, as well as your options for playing as the new villain yourself.
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Who is Gohan Black?
Gohan Black is an original character Dragon Ball: Spark Zeroalthough I’m sure there’s already a lot of fan fiction based on this idea. If the names above or my brief explanation haven’t given it away yet, Black Gohan is the product of a hypothetical story where Zamasu did not switch bodies with Goku, but with his eldest son.
Everyone really enjoyed the neat twist, with many saying they preferred Gohan as the villain to his father. Of course, it’s not just the legends that have us excited. Gohan Black is a surprisingly detailed addition to the game. While he does share moves with Goku Black, he has an exclusive likeness and his own voice acting. There’s more to show for the back end of things.
In story mode, he doesn’t look like a complete character, as he only uses basic dash combos and disappearing attacks. Profilers discovered that he had more work put into him than imagined, as all of his unused supers and skills had voice work. He even has a special intro battle dialogue interaction with Goku, which can only be seen in Versus mode.
I have no doubt that this in itself is a popular hypothetical character. It’s because of the above aspects, both in terms of what’s presented in the game’s archives and what’s discovered, that he’s managed to make fans go crazy wanting to play him. Before we make our choice, let’s review how to fight him in story mode.
How to fight Black Gohan in Episode Battle

Black Gohan can only be fought through the Strongest Warrior storyline, which can be unlocked in Chapter 5 of The Legend of Gohan. To be more precise, you need to complete the alternate objective in “Defend Earth from Frieza’s Forces” The mission, simply put, is to “defeat Frieza’s troopers and then besiege Frieza.”
That doesn’t tell you much, but I was able to clear it the same way as most other alternative targets: dealing a lot of damage as quickly as possible. This can be a challenge since you have to fight two enemies. I recommend charging your Ki into Sparking whenever possible! mode so you can trap them in long dash combos and hit them with your ultimate blast. Using Gohan’s Full Power Charge skill also instantly fills up your ki meter, saving time.
Don’t forget that lowering the difficulty will prevent you from completing alternate objectives. If you still can’t complete this quest fast enough, I recommend using the Dragon Balls to give yourself more time. These can be obtained through wishes after summoning the dragon. This is a very tough fight, so it’s worth using them here.
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Completing the fight quickly enough will lead you down the path to the strongest warrior, which begins with two more fights against Frieza. Defeating the Space Tyrant once and for all will allow Gohan to prioritize his training, thus attracting Zamasu’s attention. This creates a modified version of the Future Trunks arc highlighted by Gohan Black.
Then you get to fight the character that everyone wants. As mentioned before, he doesn’t use any supers, just throws out rapid combos and disappearing attacks. That doesn’t mean he’s a pushover. Please feel free to try some Combat auxiliary settings The difficulty can even be lowered if his combos keep melting your health. The storyline is a straight line without any branches, so just take your time and you won’t miss anything.
There are four more battles in the story after this, one of which is against Gohan Black, whose ultimate form is comparable to Goku Black’s rose form. The last two matches were against Fusion Zamasu, who now has long bangs on his face like Gohan. Complete each mission to unlock the “Strongest Warrior” achievement and complete this fun alternative scenario.
How to play Gohan Black

If you’re hoping to add Gohan Black to your list, I’m sorry to tell you that it’s not an option at the moment. Some want him to be a separate character, others want him to be a special costume for Goku Black, since both do share the same move set. Sorry, Dragon Ball: Spark Zero There aren’t any hidden warriors to unlock, nor are there any unique cosmetics to completely transform your character.
This doesn’t mean that Gohan can’t use it in the future. If he were played as a separate character, all of the unused voice lines and altered visuals would likely be wasted. It makes the most sense to have him be a cosmetic addition to the character he’s based on. There’s a small precedent for a character’s costume also affecting things, with Android 18 and Goku (Super) each having a set that changes one of their super attacks.
If you’re playing games on PC, there are some “less official” methods. The first one is probably what you expect: search online and find a mod that replaces Goku Black with Gohan Black. Since there are so many assets already in the game, the mod can be completed very seamlessly. Online opponents will see just plain Goku Black, while you’ll see the edgy what-if character of your dreams.
The second method is a unique and strange workaround that doesn’t require you to install any mods. Modders have realized that if they load non-playable character models that are already in the game’s archives (e.g. for story or super cutscene purposes) and publish them via the custom battle feature, anyone who plays the game Will be able to use these model models. This means you can play Black Gohan on PC by searching for the Custom Battle feature and finding a character with Black Gohan in it.
Black Gohan is arguably the most consistent example of an eccentric NPC you can find. This is likely a testament to how “complete” his performance was. However, these battles will not last long and are unlikely to occur in the future. Bandai Namco was very candid about those who uploaded modified versions of their custom battles will be banned. This shouldn’t threaten anyone playing them, but who knows how they’ll handle this odd situation. To be on the safe side, I recommend looking for mods. Most player-initiated battles are extremely difficult and pitted against the most powerful warriors in the game.
Dragon Ball: Spark Zero There is a huge list full of different Characters to be unlockedbut is missing some fan favorites. That’s why it’s significant that so many people are calling for the addition of original characters like this. We know the DLC announced so far will include content from Dragon Ball Super: Superheroes and Dragon Ball Malaysia, but that doesn’t stop anyone from hoping that Gohan Black will be officially playable via an update.