So, let’s start with the bad news: Homo Jaluzo has zero exploitable weaknesses. On the one hand, hoorah, this means you can hit him with anything and have an equal chance of doing damage. On the other hand, it means you have four chances to hit, no more, no less, before the baby gets his turn, and whatever happens after the deafening din is excruciating. So, the first few turns are going to be tough, mostly spent on keeping Daze away from your people and keeping your health at peak while the baby gets bogged down with tackle attacks and stares. This is especially true if you bring a Brawler, as Perfect Punch can do quite a bit of damage, but only if they have full health.
But eventually, Galika chimes in with this crazy suggestion that you should try shooting out the baby’s eyes. It’s fucking, disgusting, wrong, vile, and she’s absolutely right. Once you get the chance, have the Gunslinger use one of the shooting techniques for massive damage, or have the Magic Knight use Jump Thrust, which will also lower one eye’s defense so the rest of your party can deal some nice damage . Also remember that while the main body doesn’t have any weaknesses, you can lower its defense, while your explorers can increase your party’s attack power. Take advantage of this if you’re running with the Magic Knight.
Read more: Metaphor: ReFantasiaHomo sapiens Avades is an egg monster who must be destroyed at all costs
Now, technically you could take out both eyes during this fight to get a little peace and quiet, because it can drag on if you let it – but the eyes regenerate so quickly at this point, it’s actually best Retains one intact eye, but is in poor health. Then have your explorer deal with stuns and heal incoming attacks more frequently. You’ll eventually have to focus on one eye or the other again, but that’s better than being caught with two eyes able to cripple your entire team in one turn.
In this case, it is more important to cause damage to the main body as much as possible. Eventually, Lady Joanna will appear and heal both eyes and most of the subject’s health, usually when he casts Acid Scream, and has a very painful turn where he gets five turn icons. You’ll probably want to do a round of healing afterwards, but once everyone is at 100% or close enough, you can keep taking out the eyes at your leisure. Now, once they’re destroyed, they disappear for a while, and even better, baby Giaruzzo will occasionally give up turning because it’s “writhing in pain from its crushed eyes.” Yeah, well, that’s what happens when you lose your temper in front of the company. Now tell that beautiful straight boy you’re sorry.
Eventually, Big Baby Jesus will be finished, and your reward, aside from a bunch of XP and Reeve, is one of the saddest backstories in the entire game. I’d like to say that it came out of nowhere, but, I mean, you just killed a baby, you fucking monster.