fort nightThe second story mission of Season 4 Chapter 5 has ended. unlike The first to feature Gwen Poolethis one is not hidden, so you don’t need to do anything special to unlock it. To get all that delicious XP and continue your mission to thwart Dr. Doom, follow our handy guide.
“Are we doomed?” Mission
- Phase 1 – Damage (500) to opponents in Doom Castle, Doom Tower, or Rift
- Phase 2 – Investigate redline drills to obtain evidence
- Stage 3 – Bring the Doomsday Helmet to Hope
- Stage 4 – Destroy opponents above 30 meters (3)
- Stage 5 – Find Doom’s Log at the Memorial Statue and the Broken Four
- Stage 6 – Collect the Control Chip by headshotting Doom’s followers
first stage
The name of this task tells you everything you need to know about what you need to do. For this, we recommend heading to The Raft, as there are more NPCs scattered throughout this small area. Get some out and you’re done.

second stage
For this mission, you need to go to the red line equipment. Once there, head to Pandora’s Box and collect the armor on the ground. Once you do this, it will trigger Jones and Hope’s message log. The pair will discuss how they need further research.
The third stage
This part of the quest is fairly simple; all you need to do is return the armor to Hope. She can be found in a house in Sandy Prairie. Once you give her the helmet, you complete that stage.

Stage 4
To complete this mission, you need to eliminate three opponents within 30 meters. To do this, we recommend heading to Doomstadt and destroying the artificial intelligence from afar. There’s a big group of people going into this area, so it’ll be nice and quick, and they tend to stand more still than the actual players.
fifth stage
This part of the quest will require you to obtain two items that are fairly close to each other. For the first log, you need to go to the Fantastic Four sign near Doomstadt. When you get there, look for the Fantastic Four memo. Once you pick it up, it triggers an audio log of Doom telling how he plans to create the world in his image.
Another log can be found on the rebel perch near the statue. Like last time, the audio log will trigger when you pick it up. This time, Doom will talk about how he built a new kingdom.

Stage six
To complete the final part of the mission, you need to hit an enemy guard in the head (found in any Marvel-themed area). Once you do this, they will drop a Control Chip that you can pick up. Once you claim it, Hope will call you and instruct you to contact her later. The plot becomes more complicated.
Congratulations, you’ve just completed your second story mission in Season 4, Chapter 5.