Just when you thought it was safe to return to the city After taking out Zorbathis bastard used his last breath to resurrect the human corpses in the square, and then, just… Look, I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for why humans are the way they are. Metaphor: FantasiaBut this guy looks like Old MacDonald had substance, EIEIO, and in substance he had some chicken. It’s so horrific that the only way to get this abomination off your screen is to kill it. We’ll show you how to cook this egg quickly.
Homo sapiens abilities

Right off the bat, the heart-shaped bagpipes on top of Homo Avades’ headplate (I hope to god this is a description I just made up) will hit one person with light magic using Hamaon, Mahama hitting the entire party with light magic, or Dust of Oblivion, It will cause forgetfulness. This wasn’t too scary at all, but the moment its shell cracked, that changed… quickly.
Once the Homo sapiens Avades recovers from the first really significant damage you do to him, it’ll sprout some creepy branch arms, and a swarm of soldiers will lay eggs inside its cracked shell. Get more out of life; tell your kids this is where babies are made and ruin their childhood. Regardless, once it’s the mob’s turn, they swarm over it, and the Treehand seals the egg back, keeping it warm by regenerating a chunk of health. After this, the arms also get more involved, using swipe arcs to deal slicing damage to your team. When Heart Tube’s health is low, Head uses Acid Scream, which allows him to turn four extra turns. oops.
Prototype recommendations
The ball handlers in this one will be fighters. At this stage, it’s the only class that naturally provides the hitting damage you want in the egg portion of this fight. Yes, healers can do that if they have powerful enough melee weapons, but healers are also weak to attacks, which is a real problem you don’t want to deal with at the wrong moment. That said, it wouldn’t be the worst idea for the faint of heart and twitchers to use Inheritance or Ignite to cast some fire magic on the fighter so they can also do some damage to the arm when the time comes.
Second, bring a warrior. No one here is particularly weak to Slash, but all of its special attacks deal excellent damage for a short period of time, which is what you need in the core phase.
Finally, you only need an explorer for one thing: the Mara Massacre synthesis, which completely destroys the eggs every time.
Defeat the Avades
So thankfully, it’s not as scary as it seems. There are just a lot of moving parts and you need to know how to prioritize.
First things first, though: On your first turn, you’ll do whatever you want with this thing. Ignore the heart for now. Aim for the cannonball section, let the brawler throw the perfect punch, and let your knight throw the horse-drawn massacre. Those two alone are usually enough to crack the egg and reveal the tasteful restaurant inside, and I don’t think I’ve ever said “where did they come up with this shit” in any RPG as often as I do in these Shit” metaphor human beings.
Regardless, once the egg cracks, the Avades will collapse enough for you to do decent damage to the heart on its head. The heart doesn’t have any exploitable weaknesses, so combatants and explorers can hit it with anything. However, for your warriors, the Slicer does a lot of damage that the others don’t.
When Eggman gets back on his feet, the real game begins. The titular Helm’s Deep troopers, called “attackers,” will spawn in the dining room set with just two creepy branch arms. Your first instinct will be to try and take these guys out, and try Perfect Fist and Marathon Slaughter again anyway. If you can get enough damage in, you might be able to take out the armies before they swarm them. But chances are you won’t. Here’s the thing, you can take this hit while being completely healthy. After a hit, the arm regenerates its shell and you’re back to square one.

The second sentence is the same as the first sentence. Use strike damage to crack open the shell and drop the heart until the Avades are back on their feet, then call in the army. This time, though, Galika will interject, offering to surrender along with the army on your behalf. Let her do that and she’ll take a chunk of health away from those guys. If you’re wondering, logically speaking, why doesn’t she do this more often, before she’s completely pissed off and won’t be usable on the next turn, then answer that right now.
Once you gain control again, take out the attacker, but then you need to focus on the arms. They will attack the group on their own, using slashing attacks, while the heart will still throw out the occasional magic spell. Target only one arm at a time and mainly use anyone with fire damage to exploit their weaknesses and gain as much power as possible during your turn. At this point, the constant team attacks from the arms and heart can become a bit overwhelming if you sit in this state for too long, so you’ll need to balance attacking the arms with damaging the shell. Once the shell is broken, heal your team first before attacking the heart. Once Homo sapiens Avardes rises again, repeat the process – Galika can only chase attackers every other turn, so be prepared to potentially be attacked by these when she recovers.
However, these arms aren’t very difficult to put down, and once you take one out, you’ll find that the remaining arm can still heal the shell, but only for half its health. Things get much easier from here. Focus on the other arm while dealing cannonball damage. You won’t be hurt as much when using the second arm, so try to take the load off your heart as much as possible when it drops. Repeat this process until the second arm is dead. From here on, the shell will regenerate itself, but only to 50HP. Now you can crack that thing open by breathing hard. You can really focus on simply damaging the heart while mitigating the attacker. Hold on and Humpty Dumpty will fall hard.