‘for me, Yamato It’s a work that exists in multiple worlds at the same time.”
Hideaki Annoco-founder and director Neon Genesis Evangelionannounced on October 5 that he and his Kara The studio will create a new Space Battleship Yamato Animation movie project. Anno said he couldn’t reveal details about the project yet, but stressed that it was separate from the ongoing remake. Space Battleship Yamato 2199 Japanese cartoons.
On October 14, the person in charge further elaborated in an open letter Karawebsite and X (formerly twitter) account. He reflects on Yamato franchise overall and how he planned to complete his project.

© Tohoku Shinsha News Agency/Copyright Supervisor Masaji Nishizaki
『#space battleship yamatoAbout the relationship with work“#annohideaki twist
— Khara Inc (@khara_inc) October 14, 2024
from Hideaki Anno about his involvement Space Battleship Yamato
Anno pointed out that when Space Battleship Yamato Started in the 1970s, franchiseThe story has taken a different path with the sequel Farewell Space Battleship Yamato and Space Battleship Yamato 2. Said (roughly translated) “For me, Yamato is a work in which multiple worlds exist simultaneously.” The director then compared Yamato to franchise arrive kamen rider, Super Sentaiand even animated adaptations of manga series, the former are often reset, or the stories run parallel to each other, and the latter are different presentations of the same story.
Anno also clarified: “For me, the existence of multiple overlapping works of the same name has been a natural part of my life since I was a child.” Therefore, he seems to have become accustomed to the idea of working on two Yamato projects at the same time. Further stating, “I would like to once again pray for the safe voyage and safe return of the ongoing remake series [Yamato yo Towa ni: Rebel 3199 (Be Forever Yamato: Rebel 3199)]” Anno showed no malice or resentment 3199. In fact, he hopes it succeeds and adds to Yamato’s legacy. (Debubufengthe company’s lead director 2199 Remastering project, also working on Anno and Karanew project.
In addition to these remarks, the director also stated that he is working hard to make his new Yamato project one that continues the Yamato legacy. franchise to its 100th anniversary.
Annuohe staff KaraThe project is scheduled to begin production in 2025, followed by a theatrical release.
Source: Kara, KaraX/twitter account, Space Battleship Yamato 2199X/twitter account