To protect Super-Earth from the bugs and robot threats lurking on the outer edges, Helldivers can visit some The most powerful weapon Scientists can dream. Then you have the new R-2124 Constitution – a modern version of the iconic M1903 Springfield, complete with fixed bayonet for reckless frontal charges. This is the latest weapon Hellraiser 2which has become something of a meme due to how terrifying the rifles in the game are. But hey, it’s fun to charge your friends and foes with a bayonet!
The rifle was first introduced in the original hell diver As – you guessed it! The DP-00 Tactical Armor is available to all players. Next time you log in Hellraiser 2you should receive notifications of rewards for rifles and armor, which you can equip directly from the popup.
“In accordance with the signing of the Freedom Day Covenant, all Helldivers will spend 24 hours thinking about freedom and governing democracy. Today, Helldivers, spread these principles throughout the galaxy as you see fit. As a gift to our elite soldiers Gifts, to celebrate your enduring commitment to liberating the galaxy, we offer you the R-2124 Constitution and DP-00 Tactical Armor*.
Happy Freedom Day everyone!
it’s over Redditactive players find themselves re-engaging in line battles with friends. They’ll face an oncoming swarm of bugs and quickly dispatch the enemy with rapid-fire, bolt-ejection rifles, which shouldn’t be so effective on an alien world, but here we are. It’s safe to say that people love the Constitution. What I’m saying is that while you can certainly challenge yourself, consider bringing different weapons with you on eradication missions.
However, it’s not completely useless. R-2124 Constitution deals 180 standard damage, maximum penetration is 3 – medium, and recoil is 15. This is a highly accurate, albeit slow-firing rifle capable of killing bugs with great bias.
If you don’t like the constitution everyone’s favorite Hellraiser 2 Shotgun gets buffmaking it a viable close-range option. No matter what weapons you bring on your journey, stand firm with your fellow Helldivers!