Hell is dark, without spending 1 volume
artist: Raka everything
Publisher: Yen Publishing House (Printing and numbers)
translate: Christina
Emergency: Alexis Ekman
Publishing date: January 21, 2025
grade: Older teenagers
type: Comics, horror, crime and mystery
Imagine that some people are regarded as a monster’s life with unbelievable but terrible abilities. Seiiji Tohno has a burden on this gift, and he never knows when the monster will appear. It would make him fear every time, but the mysterious young man Seiji accidentally encountered Shiroshi Saijou, thinking that this ability is valuable and worthy of use.
When Seiji encountered Shiroshi, he was lucky. He is a university drop -away student. He is alienated from his parents, unable to find a job, and homeless. One night, Seiji found a huge European luxury mansion in a dark alley. He was attracted by it. A servant girl named Beniko seemed to bring him to a huge room, where the terrible and beautiful Shiroshi was waiting for him.

Shiroshi asked Seiji to explain his “gift”. If he could use his ability to identify people as monsters, he provided him with rooms and boards.
Shiroshi explained that the monster seen by Seiji is actually YOKAI, and they appear because they are a manifestation of a person’s sin. Shiroshi’s job is the son of the son of the triad, the final judgment of these sinner, and sending it to hell. He only needs Seiji’s help to identify them.
The comics have different arcs, named after the appearance of Western Masters, and there is a flavor of the cycle monster from the choice, but it is not disgusted in any way. Each YOKAI is also an individual case that needs to be explored, so the horror of the comics has also become a mystery that determines everyone’s sin and why it shows them as a specific YOKAI.
Sometimes people see people seeing a monster. At other times, the appearance of this person makes you want to know what their sins may be. That is one of the most interesting things Hell is dark, no flowers-This to figure out the truth. What can these people do? What does it mean behind their YOKAI?

If you like Japanese folklore, then you will have learned a lot from here. Regarding the famous items, such as “retribution mirror” and “lighting mirror”. Related on historical documents The night parade of the Demon Tribe of the illustration. Of course, from the famous (such as KAPPA) to the more obscure YOKAI nodded.
In addition to history and folklore, Raka everything Give out the best YOKAI to make them disturbing creatures. Not everyone is scary, but they are definitely disturbing. Art must have set the tone for comics, which is a dark, mysterious and troubled thing.

YORU MICHIOThe story is first -class. The fighting is very balanced, sometimes even brisk. When you try to guess what happens, you are at the edge of the seat. Michio is characterized by uniqueness, and each character obviously has its own voice and style. Seiji is emotional, Shiroshi is cool, and they perform well.
Every time you look at Shiroshi’s “customers”, there are different problems and different sins. It is exciting to see that they will show the next Yokai.
The comics introduced a new main character at the end, and ended with the cliff cliff of the second arc. Readers will have to wait until May 27, 2025 to get the next comic, but this is worth it.
Hell is dark, no flowers Based on the novel of the same name, it is also written by YORU MICHIO. It can now provide two volumes of novels from Yen Press, and the third volume will be launched on May 13, 2025. Hell is dark, no flowers You can now get the first volume of comics from various retailers including the number and physical format, including the yen publishing house.