Gotham’s biggest problem right now is giving Superman a gavel-sized headache. In the first trailer for Max Original Season 5 Harley QuinnThe Queen of Mischief (Kaley Cuoco) and Poison Ivy (Lake Bell) leave the seedy streets of Gotham and drive Batman to Metropolis/A superhuman mashup, perfect for kicking off 2025.
In the trailer, the worlds of the greatest detective and Krypton’s greatest orphan come together with Quinn at the center. The Joker (Alan Tudyk) asks superman In order to save the world, Bane (played by James Adomian) goes to war with artificial intelligence robots in Metropolis, and all of these robots hinder the evil plans of the Superman villain Brainiac (played by Stephen Fry). According to Max’s season synopsis, when they arrive in Metropolis, “Harry and Ivy discover that something sinister is going on” and they can bring Lex Luthor (Giancarlo Esposito) and His sister Lena Luthor (Aisha Tyler) sees him as a threat, as does Brainiac.
The season is set to premiere on January 16, 2025, and follows the expansion of the DC Animated Universe with the launch of Harley Quinn’s first spinoff this year. Kite Man: Oh my God! The show features a comedic, hapless character who plays Harley Quinnis the protagonist’s ex-fiancé, represented by Just got off the shipIt’s Matt Oberg. In an interview in November Screen roar, Executive producer and writer Dean Lorey hinted at what he calls another possible spin-off of the Harleyverse:
“Well, I’m all for Harleyverse. I’m hoping to announce a show soon, and that’s Harleyverse, and I’m really excited about it.
Honestly, I wouldn’t mind seeing King Shark (Ron Finches) become a lovable giant who gets out of trouble by hacking into anything with a computer chip and possibly assumes the royal duties of his underwater kingdom. Alternatively, we can wash away the stains Clown: Pas de deux Giving Alan Tudyk his own performance as the murderous conman left a lasting impression on our eyes. Whether or not these spin-offs happen, it’s nice to know that we won’t have to wait long for the center of the Harley Universe to be back and serving us with a smile.