i love Mobile Suit GundamI’ve enjoyed the dozens of hours I’ve spent over the past few years learning to make my own Gundam model kits (it’s this nerdy and time-consuming new hobby that got me through the worst of the Covid lockdown). I never had the chance to play much Gundam breaker Unfortunately, my PS Vita has been out of service for a while, Gundam circuit breaker mobile phone I got shut down last year when I first started doing it. Fortunately, Gundam circuit breaker 4 Available on Switch, PC and game console console, so now I finally get a chance to look at this corner Gundam franchise See how much I love real life plastic models entering the digital world.

© Bandai Namco Entertainment America, Inc.
The most important thing to understand is Gundam circuit breaker 4if you are new to a particular branch of this world Gundamthis is not a game about fighting in giant metal robots, but a game about fighting in meticulous detail plastic replica giant metal robot. Even within the game within the game, your player character and his companions meet and play together throughout the story mode. The idea is that you can mix and match all the bits and pieces from real-world Gundam model kits to create your own custom action figure that can mimic a real “Mobile Suit Mecha.”
I emphasize this seemingly arbitrary distinction because even if Mecha-exist-Mecha battle Gundam circuit breaker 4 Second place real The core gameplay is to collect thousands of plastic parts and smash them together to create the ultimate Gunpla. This practice of piecing together any parts you want into a Frankenstein Monster mobile suit is also known as “kit attack” and is the main attraction of the entire game. Yes, the lightweight yet action-packed combat is great fun, but if you’re like me, you’ll find yourself spending most of your time in the “Your Room” menu, where you can sort through what you want for hours on end Collection of random Gunpla parts, paints and decals.

© Bandai Namco Entertainment America, Inc.
This may sound like a backhanded compliment to some, but I really can’t get enough of the model assembly part Gundam circuit breaker 4 experience. Based on a brief research I did previously National standard Title, looks like Gundam circuit breaker 4 is an even number more More than ever, it is obsessed with the details of its models. You can customize an arm component more specifically, add additional builder parts, equip dual-wield weapons, or even use the SD (Super deformation) kit if it suits you. Then, once you’ve finished customizing the gunpla’s gear and details, you can spend more time playing around with photo and diorama modes. I’m not artistically advanced enough to do such keen customization of real world Gunpla models, but Gundam circuit breaker 4 Even the clumsiest fans will have a chance to capture the perfect shot of their (theoretically) badass robot.

© Bandai Namco Entertainment America, Inc.
Of course, there’s an action arcade game that can be played alongside this virtual toy box and hobby studio, and I guess any of my readers who aren’t too crazy about Gundam model kits themselves would like to know how this game actually plays. The answer is: “Great!” Like I said, the combat you encounter in the story, missions, and bounties is generally fun—as long as you don’t anticipate the weight and challenge that comes with it. from software title or anything. Developer CRAFTS & MEISTER Co.’s cockpit is similar to Dimp’s dragon ball Another world Game (also published by Bandai) Namcoas it happened). This is a button beat ’em up game where you don’t need to care about combos or in-depth combat strategies, it will let you focus more on upgrading your gear stats and using the right EX and OP special moves.
The biggest drawback to this approach is that if you don’t have the external motivation to pursue an S-rank score in every mission and the promise of tons of new Gunpla parts to crush your enemies and add to your collection, then probably not There’s enough to prevent combat from feeling repetitive – especially when you’re bogged down by waves of damage-sponge enemies on higher difficulties. The graphics and music do a great job of conveying the idea that you’re participating in a plastic toy battle simulator, but they’re not going to blow anyone away – especially if you’re playing on PS5 like me, where only next-gen graphics seem better than on the Switch It has a more stable frame rate than its PS4 counterpart. The point is, this isn’t a game where the robot battle scenes alone are enough to keep players engaged.

© Bandai Namco Entertainment America, Inc.
Granted, some of the additional features do their best to add some complexity to an otherwise simple “build them, then break them” cycle. The story mode goes out of its way to introduce a ton of characters and backgrounds to its missions, which honestly isn’t too bad. Obviously, I don’t think anyone should enter Gundam circuit breaker 4 Expect a meaty, AAA-budgeted narrative campaign. However, I think for all the cheap animations and repetitive game lobby meeting scenes Gundam breaker 4 does a good enough job of giving you some cute friends to team up with, as well as some deliciously cheesy bastards for you to aim with your ridiculously large bazooka shield. Additionally, story sequences are produced in fully-voiced English dubbingit’s an extra polish, I’m pretty sure this is new franchise.
I should also mention that there are plenty of multiplayer features to delve into, such as player clans and PvP battles, although I wasn’t able to use them for long periods of time during the brief window when the online servers were up and running. Still, I can imagine a large part of Gundam breaker The community is excited about the additional value these multiplayer options bring, and I’m excited to try out more myself once the game is released to the public and the player base can grow.

© Bandai Namco Entertainment America, Inc.
All in all I had a really great time Gundam circuit breaker 4which I think is a perfect starting point for returning fans and new fans alike. Yes, this is still a fairly niche game that sometimes struggles under the constraints of its limited production values and relatively basic action mechanics, but the developers have a lot of love and enthusiasm for it Mobile Suit Gundam The hobby of Gundam models should not be underestimated or ignored. This game makes an ideal bottomless toy box for anyone Gundam Fans who just want more time to crush their favorite robots with some friends (digital or otherwise). Fair warning: you may find the Gunpla bug as contagious as I did, in which case this game is just the first step in what will become a lifelong hobby. Get yourself a pair of pliers and some decent paintbrushes, just in case.
Disclosure: Bandai Namco Filmworks Inc. (Sunrise) is a non-controlling minority shareholder of Anime News Network Inc.