Dragon Ball: Spark Zero is a well-crafted homage to the iconic series, with countless characters and exciting attacks whose names need to be shouted out. It was such an accurate tribute that it seemed like every player was quickly stumped Great Ape Vegetathe most threatening villain in the series’ Saiyan saga. It’s a real wake-up call when the first boss-like fight in the game makes you question how difficult things are going to get. but it can be done.
Read more: dragon ball spark zeroThe Battle of Ape Vegeta Surprises Everyone
He’s a scary ape that spams attacks and destroys your health. To make the game more challenging, you will play as one of Goku’s weakest versions. Even if you lower the difficulty, you may continue to struggle. The good news is that he able To get beat, just like acting, you just need more training.
Slide #1 Preparing for Combat Training
I totally understand the desire to mash things up. A lot of fun is in Dragon Ball: Spark Zero It’s about pressing some buttons and seeing your character do some flashy hype. After watching the first four battles in the quick tutorial and Goku’s episodic battle story, you might decide that’s enough. It turns out there’s a lot of mechanics and technology behind this game that you’ll definitely want to get involved with.
If you have issues with this cocky ape, I highly recommend doing the Combat Training, which is listed under the Super Training menu. This breaks every mechanic in the game with Piccolo. I’ll be the first to admit that this isn’t the most polished training mode, and it’s not particularly enjoyable to complete. However, When you first leave teaching, you’ll miss out on a ton of game mechanics. Knowing these will help you in your fight against Oozaru Vegeta and beyond.
High movement mechanics will be the main focus of this battle. Dodging his attacks and getting behind him will help a lot. These are the mechanics that need to be determined and the respective inputs for PlayStation and Xbox:
- dragon dash – You should learn about Flying Dash from the tutorial. It’s important to realize how much Ki it consumes when used. Execute using R2 + Cross or RT + A.
- Z-Burst Dash – This is an extension of Dragon Dash and can dash you right behind your opponent. It uses one bar of chi, which is an important move for this boss. Execute using the same input R2 + Cross or RT + A.
- Vanishing attack (close range) – Teleports you directly behind your opponent. It uses one bar of chi and requires you to be at close range. Execute with Square + Cross or X + A.
- Sprint to move at high speed – This is an expansion to Dash Attack that allows you to teleport around enemies in the middle of a Dash combo. Uses half a square of Ki and depends on which direction the left stick is pushed. Pressing up will teleport you behind them, pressing left will teleport you to their left, and so on.
- high speed evasion – Counter-like dodge that teleports you directly behind your opponent when they attack. The schedule is strict, but not using Ki is a good option. Executed with R1 or RB before the attack occurs.
As tempting as it is, using actual counters in this fight can have mixed results. The monster’s size makes it difficult to knock him off balance with a single blow. Most counters will throw him off a bit, but it won’t give you much of an advantage. Prioritizing attack and dodge will be more effective.
Slide #2 How to Defeat Oozaru Vegeta
Already looks like Dragon Ball: Spark Zero Deserves some recognition based on how people feel Preview and review. I believe it also deserves recognition because it often catches you off guard. Quite a few of the episode’s fights are fights where the opponent immediately attacks. Oozaru Vegeta here is one of the most frustrating examples, as he uses his super attack as quickly as possible. Sometimes it’s like that at the beginning of the game, sometimes he gives you a second or two of space.
Read more: Dragon Ball: Spark Zero Preview shows we’re back, y’all
You want to respond to the activation of his Super with a Z-Burst Dash. Using Dragon Dash to the side and then using Z Burst Dash will usually get you out of trouble. Alternatively, you can leave the joystick alone and double-click the Dragon Dash button to instantly take out the Z-Burst Dash. This works well when he starts the game with his super, but can sometimes rush you in front of him because of the way he moves. That’s the best you can do to get off to an honestly pretty failed start against this stupid space ape.
Either way, the goal is to get close to him (preferably from behind) and start attacking him with dashes. When you attack him from behind, you’re free to crush those dash attacks. He can move very slowly and has only one counter move that can push you away.
If you’re attacking him from the front, I recommend using a four-hit combo, then stepping or dashing to the side and trying again. His throw has a lot of vertical range and can’t be countered, but it’s slow enough that a dash to the side will leave him open. I find it more comfortable to use fast and high-speed movement because attacks quickly accumulate energy consumption. If you don’t feel confident enough with a side charge at close range, use the Vanish Attack. After enough hits, he’ll enter a stun state, allowing you to launch him.
Once you’ve slapped him a few times and sent him flying to the ground below, it’s time to start recharging your chi. He’ll most likely do the same thing until he’s strong enough to use his super. From this point on, you have two options: continue to weaken him with close range attacks, or try to lure a specific super attack into doing massive damage. Let’s review the former first.
Use Z-Burst to dash back to him, which is arguably a safer place. It’s relatively easy to dodge his super at this range and respond to his health with more dash attacks or even Kamehameha. Once you accumulate enough skill points, you can also use Kaio Sword skills. In my experience, the Solar Flare skill never worked on him, and the Kaioken buff was always appreciated. Continue this routine, bypassing his attacks, attacking him until you get a launch combo, then charge towards the Ki before you rush in again. It will take a while, but sooner or later he will fall.
Slide #3 How to Defeat Oozaru Vegeta Quickly
I don’t like keeping my distance in this fight because Oozaru Vegeta’s sprint speed is incredibly fast, which he can use to combo his super skills. If a big guy suddenly gets in your face, be prepared to block or counterattack. That being said, if he attacks from a distance, you can lower his health significantly. Another strategy is to lure out his Chou Makouhou Super and beam clash with your Kamehameha Super. When he says “I’ll beat you!” you’ll know it’s the right choice. before firing the port beam.
An animation of two beams hitting each other will begin. Then you just need to beat the mini-game to win the fight. The AI is pretty lenient here, so you should be able to do this without any problem. Winning the Beam Clash will reduce his health by two bars. It’s one of the most destructive things you can do, but it comes with risk and opportunity. There’s no telling which super skill he’ll use, or if he’ll decide to use dash to quickly close the gap. If successful, you’ll be closer to ending the battle.
Remember to recharge your Chi after the Beam Clash is over. You can then decide to try to lure him out with beam collision again, or mix it up with some close range attacks. I’d rather not tempt fate twice, but if you can win two beam clashes, he’s almost done.
Great Ape Vegeta is not the toughest boss Dragon Ball: Spark Zerobut he’s the main knowledge check on the game’s mechanics. Brush up on this knowledge and you’ll be fine. I don’t believe this at face value, but you also shouldn’t think you can bypass ability item buffs. These do not work during episodic battles. You need to rely solely on what you’ve learned from training, and to be fair, that’s the way Goku is.