Marvel Comics’ upcoming giant X-Men legend will send Ms. Marvel back to time at a critical moment in mutation history. The online hint is the work of the infamous Mutant Legion (we’re not sure outside of the preview), the series will return to the X-Men, the Dark Phoenix Legend, the Mepocalypse era, the M House of M and Krakoa era, and will see everyone’s favorite superheroes, and interact with the Witnesses of the Past and be different from the rest. Ms. Marvel has witnessed many of the best moments on the X-Men line, including those who are well-loved and is perfect for: Phoenix Legend storyline; Written Colin Kelly and Jackson Lanzingwith X-Men artists Man Kubert On the cover, Plus interior Pole Travel.
“The Dark Phoenix Legend is one of the long-lasting high water markers, not only the X-Men comics, but the entire superhero story,” Lanzing and Kelly shared. “Claremont and Byrne changed the game with this story – 45 years later, it’s still a story where you can go back to new depth and glory time again and again. But the most exciting thing is digging out Jean Gray’s mindset in one of her weirdest, darkest times – just as she found a new friend in Kamala Khan. Jean Gray’s place in her X-Men will get a whole new character and meaning from the hugely sized Dark Phoenix Saga #1.”
Here are some internal preview pages:
You can read more in the Marvel official press release below.
For 50 years, Len Wein and Dave Cockrum’s Giant X-Men #1 has been one of the most important moments in Marvel Comics’ history, reshaping the X-Men forever. Now, Marvel celebrates its milestone anniversary with a brand new, five-part from the greatest Mutantkind era!
From the advent of Krakoa of Giant X-Men #1 to the Age of Apocalypse, M House of M and Dark Phoenix Saga, history has once again shaped the X-Men. But what if those moments have deeper secrets? What if there were no stones in the past? The critically acclaimed X-marks Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing join forces with legendary X-Men artist Adam Kubert, superstar artist Rod Reis, and an epic journey across the X-Men’s most important stories.
The event saw Ms. Marvel enter the distant past through an unstable and unleashed legion! As time goes by, Kamala is trapped in a battle with Omega-level mutants, just a stop that will always be twisted in X-Men history! The following Giant X-Men #1 Kamala Huge size dark phoenix legend #1. As the story we know unfolds before her eyes, the new mutant must work with Jean Gray in her darkest moments and master her dangerous new mutant power in this universe, the legend of emotion.
Additionally, each giant-sized sound will feature a story of apocalypse that reveals the knowledge hidden behind each story and creates exciting today’s developments for the near future. In the giant-sized Legend of Dark Phoenix, writer Steve Foxe and artist Lucas Werneck reveal hidden secrets that bind Scott Summer and Jean Gray.
Check out the main cover of Adam Kubert, the variant cover of interior artist Rod Reis, and a sensory preview of the giant-sized Dark Phoenix Saga #1. Stay tuned for more information about the Giant X-Men Anniversary event, including the Giant Age of Apocalypse, MSize Mize of M House and the event’s finale, Giant X-Men #2.
Giant X-Men #1
Written by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing
Art and cover by Adam Kubert
Al Ewing and Sara Pichelli’s Revelation Story
For Sale 5/28
Huge size dark phoenix legend #1
Written by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing
The Art of Rod Reis
Adam Kubert cover
Rod Reis variant cover
Steve Foxe and Lucas Werneck’s revelation story
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Giant Age of Revelation #1
For sale in June 2025
Giant House in M#1
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Giant X-Men #2
For sale in July 2025