Gia De Sauvage is just starting her screen career, but she already has role models for the path she wants to take.
“I love Gena Rowlands so much and I would love to have a career like hers,” the newcomer said.
She makes her TV debut in a new TV movie, Nightmare in the desertthe first on the cable network’s list of closures. The film, inspired by true events, stars DeSovac as Shae, a young woman who returns home with her fiancé Chris (Tristan J. Watson) after the death of her father. The two hike together, but trouble begins when a man stalks them on their trip.
“It felt like a big family,” Desovac said of the experience. “We get along really well and they joke that it feels like going to summer camp.”
De Sauvage also saw it as an exercise in digging into different parts of filmmaking. “I learned a lot about the technical aspects of acting.”
While de Sauvage notes that she enjoys shooting thrillers, she also hopes to experiment with several genres. The actress calls herself a film student and she watches movies regularly. “I love every genre. My favorite movie of all time is notebook,” she said of one of Rowlands’ later films.
Discussing his admiration for the late actress, de Sauvage shared a touching story about watching Rowlands’ work. “After she passed away two weeks ago, I saw an affected woman For the first time, it really inspired me and moved me as an artist,” she said. “I just think she brings so much vulnerability and complexity to every role she plays, and to me, that’s what a great artist does.”
Looking to the future, Desovage hopes to use what she learned Nightmare in the desert As she continues her career. “The director and staff were very kind to me and allowed me room to learn,” she said. “I felt completely supported throughout the entire movie.”
De Sauvage hopes to repay this kindness as he continues his work. “If I get to help another actor on a project in the future, I always want to be there for them and give them the space to learn whether it’s their first time making a film,” she began, adding that she was grateful to be able to There was this opportunity for film director Sam Irwin to experience. “It was very important to me to provide a safe space for all the other actors in all my upcoming shoots.”
Nightmare in the desert Premieres on Sunday, September 15th at 8pm ET.