Original version 2007 ghost The anime is a Japanese horror anthology series set in the late Edo period. It tells the story of a man known only as “The Medicine Seller” who wanders around Japan exorcising the demon of “Monday”.“onoke” – unnatural monsters that exploit humans’ negative emotions to bind themselves to our world. ghost Movie: Tang Li This is one of those films that can be enjoyed even without any previous knowledge of the series, and it makes sure to leave no stone unturned in explaining the core concepts of the overall story.
to get rid of one ghostyou must know three things: ghost, the truth behind its existence, and the reason behind its ability to connect to the dark emotions of the mortal world. This forms a framework for exploring the secrets behind monsters and their nature.
In the case of this movie, we have a ghost Located in the inner chamber of the palace, women gathered here hoping to give birth to an heir. Much of the story is told through our heroines Asha and Turtle. The two newcomers with completely opposite personalities quickly established a friendship, surrounded by a cult-like atmosphere.
Thematically, their story is a critique of the groupthink that permeates society—not just in the past, but in the present. Just entering the inner sanctum required these women to give up their most cherished material possessions. Day after day, they find themselves forced to play predetermined roles in the palace. Their individualism is being stripped away bit by bit. So we are faced with the question: What can be given up in order to fit in with a group? No matter what, what can’t be thrown away? What happens to those who have lost too much of themselves to continue?
Despite the film’s supernatural mystery and larger themes, it’s about the visuals above all else. At its most superficial level, the film looks like a dynamic traditional Japanese watercolor painting. This animation has a texture filter placed on top of it, making it look like twin engine Iota Animate it on parchment instead of paper. The characters and locations are done almost entirely in a pastel color palette – bright, vibrant and fluorescent colors mostly reserved for the paranormal. But color is just the beginning.
There are so many background details throughout the film that it looks unnatural, adding to the unease of the film. Most women’s faces are drawn in a simple spiral shape – suggesting a lack of expression on their faces. The film also makes clever use of visuals to depict smells, tastes and sounds – for example, good smells appear as vibrant swirling geometric shapes, while rotten smells appear as brown and withered. We’re not even talking about the brilliant scene compositions, creative camera angles and creepy blink-and-you’ll-miss-it jump cuts.
All of this combines to create a visual feast unlike any anime I’ve ever seen. To my knowledge, I’ve never given an anime an A+ for art or animation. Well, this one has both. It deserves to be ranked alongside outstanding works science saru and axis About incredibly surreal animation.
On the other side of the demo, we have music. While the animation overshadows it, it’s great all the same. The soundtrack emphasizes the ongoing suspense and terror, and even has some certified hit songs. This includes the brilliant ending theme “Love Sick” The end of Aina The opening theme mixes traditional Japanese shamisen music with electronic music and auto-tuned vocals to create something new and memorable.
Without groundbreaking visual effects, ghost Movie: Tang Li This is still a film worth watching for its mystery, suspense, and deeply explored themes. With them, this is by far the best animated film of the year. I wouldn’t be surprised if this film was asked to be watched as a case study to see how far anime as a visual medium can go in the future. If you don’t like Japanese horror films or period films, that’s okay; check this movie out. Your eyes will thank you.