Long story short: As of 17 July, you can now get the full 2024 CompTIA Certification Training Super Bundle for just £38.60 instead of £50.19.
For rapidly growing industries like IT and cybersecurity, obtaining the right certifications can help you stand out from other candidates. In order to prepare for the exam, it may be worthwhile to go directly to reliable sources.
That’s why aspiring IT workers and students can greatly benefit from the Idunova Complete 2024 CompTIA Certification Training Super Bundle. This online learning package includes 15 courses 262 hours of teaching. You can even buy it at a discount for just £38.60 (this course costs £451.92 at original price). The price has dropped by almost £12 since it was first released.
Save on comprehensive IT introduction costs
If you’re looking forward to a career in technology, this bundle might be a great place to start. The courses do start with basic material, as the instructor recommends some basic understanding of computers and CompTIA objectives. Therefore, please browse through the course topics before purchasing.
When you’re ready to get started, you can choose which course to start with. These include introductory courses on IT basics, network security lectures, Linux usage guides, introduction to cloud computing, and more.
The bundle itself won’t prove you’re an expert, but you can use it as a study guide for CompTIA certification. Remember, these exams are administered by CompTIA, so you still need to register through them.
Learn the basics of IT and cybersecurity
Get lifetime access to CompTIA research materials at a deeply discounted price.
Mix and match offer
The complete 2024 CompTIA Certification Training Super Bundle is available for just £38.60, no coupons required.
stack social Prices subject to change.