The author behind A Song of Ice and Fire I’m busy finishing the last two volumes. on that acclaimed fantasy series, but he’s not so busy that he doesn’t have time to tease audiences with all the new content game of Thrones A spin-off is currently in development for television. By George R.R. Martin’s count, there are seven projects in development, including several animated series, some of which haven’t even been officially announced yet.
Dragon House Ended the second season last night, and HBO Don’t waste time getting your fans ready for the next one game of Thrones series. it’s known knight of the seven kingdoms Adapted from Martin’s The story of Dunk and Egg, a series of novellas that follows the exploits of Ser Duncan the Tall and King Aegon V Targaryen 90 years before the events in the novels. But this second spin-off is far from the only one.
Martin recently attended a workshop for fantasy writers in Oxford his dark matter Where is the thought behind writer Philip Pullman? game of Thrones franchise reportedly told Attendees were informed that seven programs are currently in development (via Forbes). We’ve heard about a number of rumored projects in the past, many of which ended up being scrapped or replaced by other projects, but the added wrinkle here is that Martin said four of the spinoffs are currently planned as animated series. Based on this, it seems like this is what happened:
- Aegon the Conqueror (live-action version)
- Wan Chuan (live version)
- Mysterious scene 1
- Golden Empire (animation)
- Sea Serpent (animation)
- Mysterious animation 1
- Mysterious animation 2
Wan Chuana prequel that took place thousands of years ago game of Throneswas thought to have been shelved, but June Martin confirmed it was After all keep moving forward. Corlys Velaryon’s backstory, introduced in Dragon Houseto be explored in the animated series sea snake. While this was once considered as a live-action show, Martin later said that making a sailing show made more sense from a budget perspective Tell stories through animation.
Other projects, such as a direct sequel starring Kit Harington returning as Jon Snow, were canceled early on, so who knows what other ideas were floating around in the meantime? It’s not entirely clear how involved Martin was in all of these spin-offs, or whether they took up much of his time and energy from completing the original. I’m sure it would be more fun to brainstorm all these other ideas.
and Dragon House Standing firm in season 2It looks like HBO will be pushing these projects in development with more enthusiasm than ever. between that and ring of fire Once again one of the best-selling games of the year, It’s George R.R. Martin’s summer after all.