As part of the “Glowtime” event on September 9, Apple is expected to release Apple Watch Series 10 and possibly launch a new Apple Watch Ultra. However, while both watches are expected to feature new chips and better displays, neither is likely to match the Garmin Forerunner 265 When it comes to dedicated operating features or battery life. Luckily, Garmin’s great running watch is currently on sale for a record low price of $349.99 ($100 off) on Amazon, Best Buy, and REI.
Of all the running watches Garmin currently sells, the platform-agnostic Forerunner 265 probably strikes the best balance between price and performance. Both the 265 and the smaller 265S offer multi-band GPS for more accurate tracking, onboard music storage, and vibrant, always-on OLED displays that can last a full week of battery life on a single charge (if using AOD , battery life can be longer) deactivated).
What’s more, both models offer every running metric you can think of, including stride length, cadence, and other form-related data. They also let you take advantage of Garmin’s newer (albeit popular) features, including PacePro, Training Readiness, and Race Predictor. The latter is my favorite because it uses your long-term training data to give you estimated times for a 5K, 10K, half marathon, or marathon. This makes the Forerunner 265 suitable for both beginners and those training for their next marathon.