More than 250 works on display
While there were many great comic series in the 1990s, girl Comics have entered a renaissance of sorts. girl The comic series has found its way into the hearts of readers of all ages and genders. Naoko Takeuchiof Sailor Moon is the first one that comes to mind, but before that Sailor Moon was Watase Yuof Immortal Wood Game. Immortal Wood Game Still loved by fans around the world, to celebrate the series’ upcoming 35th anniversary, fans can Watase Yu world Immortal Wood Game exhibition.

©Watase Yu/Shogakukan
OfficialX (original twitter) occupy Immortal Wood Game announced Watase Yu world Immortal Wood Game Exhibition on May 24th.
~35th anniversary of painting~
Yu Watase’s World “Fushigi Yuugi” Original Art Exhibition
The event will be held
\Conference period: August 9th (gold) to August 21st (water), 2024
Location: Seibu Shibuya Building A 7th Floor = Event HallFrom his debut to the present, he has celebrated his 35th anniversary as a painter. #Wataseyu Follow the teacher’s trajectory, beautiful illustrations
For details, please visit the official website
—[官方]Fujigi Games (@fushigiyugi_30) May 24, 2024
~35th Anniversary~
Watase Yu world Immortal Wood Game exhibition
\Dates: Friday, August 9, 2024 to Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Location: Seibu Shibuya A 7th Floor Event HallFrom her debut work to today, we trace her growth path Watase Yu-Teacher celebrates her 35th anniversary as an artist with beautiful illustrations
Please refer to the official website for details
just before opening Watase Yu world Immortal Wood Game In the exhibition, Watase brought her X/twitter account and posted and commented on the quality of the exhibition.
I went to preview the original art exhibit today.You know… you can’t tell from the outside of the booth, but inside… it’s harsh…! Ha ha
This is what over 250 pieces means…
While I enjoyed seeing all the past editors, editors, and other participants come together for the evening, I was excited to see them again.
“Is this a public execution?”— Watase Yu/Painting Mystery Game 35th Anniversary Original Art Exhibition will be held from August 9th to 21st (@wataseyuu_) August 8, 2024
Today I went to see an original art exhibition.You see… you can’t tell from the outside of the booth, but inside… it’s intense…! Ha ha
More than 250 items means…
I enjoyed seeing all the past editors and other participants come together for the evening
But at the same time I’m like, “Is this a public execution?”
However, many people commented that the artwork was “worth seeing” and in “excellent condition” and that they had not faded and did not look like they had been painted 30 years ago.
Maybe it would be a good idea to let them sleep in the closet…?
You can see they are in almost perfect condition!Everyone laughed today, and I hope everyone who comes tomorrow will laugh too
But when one of them said, “If I look carefully, it takes five hours, so I look quickly!” then it was back to the entrance.
Before going in with the person in charge we decided to have a cup of tea or a meal and look around until everyone else arrived but…
never! An hour has passed since the Fuji tour started.It’s crowded… everyone be prepared… haha
Editors and people who were very nice to me said, “I’ll send them to you!” They sent flowers.
Photography is prohibited inside, but there are photo spots, so please come and take a few photos.
Thank you very much
The exhibition is open until Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Admission is 1,000 yen for adults, 800 yen for high school and college students, 600 yen for middle school students, and free for elementary school students and younger (approximately $7, $5.50, and $4, respectively).
Source: Watase Yu world fuji game exhibition website, fuji game franchiseX/twitter account, Watase YuX/twitter account