The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom just released a new trailer, and we get our first look at Zelda in swordsman form, seeing her turn blue, da ba dee da ba di, and start stabbing Bad guys, like part of her war on purple.
We’re not that far away from the game’s release – it’s actually next month, on September 26th, in fact – so it’s great to see Nintendo giving those who’ve been dying to see the Zelda star in her own game for years The folks offered more support along with the game’s previous trailer.
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You can watch the new trailer below. Here’s my short summary – the king gets swallowed by a purple rift, Zelda gets upset, Zelda does some platform jumping, Zelda turns blue and kills stuff in her sword fighter form, Zelda Meeting a guy who can make things for her little robots to fight on her behalf until they get smashed, Zelda does a collection of things that end with a splash.
Here’s what Nintendo has to say about Gladiator Form, the main new content here: “On her adventure, Zelda will find a mysterious sword that allows her to transform into her powerful Gladiator form for a short period of time. , fight enemies head-on! It doesn’t mention she turns blue, but she does when you pick up the sword, which is basically a power-up that only lasts a short time.
The sword can also be used to remove obstacles from Sarda’s path. Oh, and you can refill its meter by collecting energy in the stationary world. It has not been confirmed whether this energy comes from the aliens in the 1999 Europop video.
Are you looking forward to turning blue, da ba dee da ba di, in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom? Let us know below!