iPhone users can finally download and play fort night Again – if you live in Europe and use a separate app store.
Yes, one of the strangest sagas in recent video game history has come to an end. After years of feuding between Apple and Epic Games, you can install cleanly and legally fort night On iPhone, there aren’t any weird workarounds. Well, anyway, that’s almost it. Epic must release a YouTube guidance video for this process, which involves installing the separate Epic Games Store app from Safari, Then download fort night From there instead of the regular app store.
I should point out that this only applies to iPhone users in the EU, as that organization has relatively strict laws against big tech monopolies. It’s unclear when U.S. iPhone users will see fort night again.
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Incidentally, the same is true for Android, as Epic explained in its blog post announcing the news. You might be wondering why Epic feels the need to let users download its own digital storefront, instead of just using the App Store or Play Store like other mobile games. This is for boring business reasons: Apple and Google have historically taken some of the money for themselves from in-app purchases, and Epic wants to keep all the revenue for itself, as companies are wont to do.
Anyway, why, all the crap of the past few years is over. No more streaming fort night to an iPhone or something similar. if you like fort night And living in Europe, congratulations. For everyone else…the wait continues.