The most basic thing is, first descendant is a about grinding go out Unlock. You unlock better weapons, More powerful mods, a unique play style in the form of Descendants, and the countless resources required to craft it. The goal is to keep your eyes on the prize.
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In this case, we’re focusing on Kyle. This mighty hero isn’t powered by energy drinks, though. He acts as a tank and warrior on the battlefield, using magnetic fields to inflict damage.
Here’s how to unlock Kyle first descendant!
How to Unlock Kyle for Free

In addition to 16 hours of research time and a research fee of 400,000 gold coins, Kyle also requires the following materials to unlock:
Kyle enhances cells
- x554 carbon crystal
- x303 villain
- x58 inorganic biogel
- x1 Kyle Enhanced Cell Blueprint
Kyle Stabilizer
- x519 accelerated metal
- x499 single molecule extractor
- x76 Metamorphosis Biometal
- x1 Kyle Stabilizer Blueprint
Kyle Helix Catalyst
- x408 Ceramic Composite Material
- x455 reverse charging coil
- x30 Complex Carbon Activator
- x1 Kell’s Helix Catalyst Blueprint
Kell code
- Vespers (Hard) – Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor – Vespers’ Lost Supply Depot
- Sterile Land (Normal) – Void Fusion Reactor – Sterile Land Storage
- Hagios (Hard) – Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor – Hagios Dune Base
- White Night Canyon (Difficult) – Abyss Void Fusion Reactor – White Night Canyon Observatory
Fortunately, to unlock Kayle, you don’t need to level up too high to unlock and defeat the Void Interception battle, which proves to be quite challenging and time-consuming.
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In other words, his parts require countless hundreds of materials to make. You can grow most of them from the following areas: Hagios, Sterile Land, Kingston, Echo Swamp, and Vespers.
You can also pay for Kyle
Or if you don’t want to grind for dozens of hours, or even more, then you can pay for kyle.
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Like most Descendants, Kyle can be purchased for 600 caliber through the in-game store.
If you don’t want to buy multiple sets of Caliber, you can buy a $19.99 set that includes Kyle and a few other boosters.
Kyle Statistics and Details
As a boxer, Kyle excelled in the tank-like role. He manipulates the battlefield to soak up hatred, absorbing damage while keeping the heat on his offspring, all thanks to his high defense stats and increased health.
- Role: blues
- DEF: 2441
- maximum shield:1006
- Shield recovery:3.22
- Max MP: 0
- maximum health: 1309
Kyle’s skills
Most of Kyle’s skills and abilities increase his overall defense and survivability.
Passive: Experienced technician
- Kyle gains magnetism through the use of other abilities. When his shields are completely depleted, he gradually regains his shields and magnetism.
Active: Repulse Dash
- Kyle dashes forward towards enemies, dealing damage and restoring a small amount of magnetism.
Active: Magnetic Barrier
- Deploy frontal barriers to protect players from enemy attacks. Depending on the type of projectile, it will automatically generate magnetism.
Active: Magnetic Jet
- When Kyle takes damage, Magnet is consumed instead of health or shields. After reaching a certain threshold, the magnetic force explodes outward, causing damage to nearby enemies.
Active: Superconducting Thrusters
- Kyle is allowed to fly for a short period of time. When he lands, he slams into the ground, damaging enemies in the landing area and consuming magnetic energy to increase his attack power.
If you like to put on tank-level heavy armor boots, then the Ajax might be the entry level for you. But Kyle will help you push the end game even further. That said, he’s a simple and easy-to-play class that relies heavily on weapons to deal damage, so keep upgrading your mods and increasing your abilities Weapon Mastery Use Kyle effectively!