There are few movie series that can excite audiences with just a simple title. Avengers, Star Wars Among them was James Bond. And then there are Avatarwhich exists independently as a category.
Although there are not many movies in the series, the first Avatar (2009) became the highest-grossing film of all time, and its sequel “Avatar: The Way of Water” (2022) holds the record as the third highest-grossing film of all time.
So when James Cameron announced that his third Avatar would be named Avatar: Fire and Asheswhich was enough to spark a round of applause at D23 on Friday.
“There are new cultures and environments and creatures, and new biomes. You’ll see more of Pandora that you’ve never seen before,” Cameron said of the film. “The new movie isn’t what you expect, but it’s definitely what you want.”
Cameron returns to direct new film Avatara script written by Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver. The film once again stars Sam Worthington and Zooey Saldana and is scheduled to be released on December 19, 2025. Avatar 4 The date is December 21, 2029, and Avatar 5 Scheduled for December 19, 2031.
Cameron is coming to an end Avatar Longtime creative partner and producer Jon Landau died in July. Cameron said of his friend: “A great producer and a great man have left us. Jon Landau believed in the dream of cinema. He believed that film was the ultimate art form for mankind. To make movies you have to be human first. He will be remembered for his immense generosity of spirit and for the movies themselves.