Want to see your favorite academic classics? Families can revisit their favorite characters, moments and more in popular entertainment services, including over 700 and a half hours of content.
There are 9 story media groups dedicated to academic classics where parents can introduce a new generation to characters they know and love. Kids can explore the joy and wonders of Scholastic Entertainment by watching different shows on Peacock, Roku Channel and Tubi.
The popular 1990s and 2000s are similar Clifford Big Dog, Clifford’s Puppy Era,,,,, Chicken skin,,,,, Magic school bus, And provide Animorphs on streaming services. Later this year, parents can introduce more titles to their children, such as Baby Mining Club, Terrible History, and astronomy.
Scholastic Entertainment also offers more nostalgic content for four dedicated YouTube channels. In addition to Scholastic Classic Channel, a one-stop destination for all its iconic brands, potential subscribers can also re-watch their favorite episodes Clifford big dog, chicken skin ump, and Magic school bus On their respective channels. Each platform also includes a combination of editing, compilation, live streaming and vertical shorts that fans of all ages love!
Enjoy some titles now – but don’t worry that your favorite clip isn’t online, as there will be more content later this year. To discover more childhood favorites, visit 9Story.com.