Welcome to Anime News Network’s Fall 2024 Anime Preview Guide! Here’s the thing: Our team of reviewers immediately write down their impressions and post them here as they go. Each critic covers as many shows as they can handle, giving you a different take on almost every show.
This guide is ongoing, organized by series, and updated multiple times per day. Over the next two weeks, we’ll be updating as frequently as possible with new perspectives from our review team on new episodes. New reviews will be posted immediately as they are written, and each reviewer’s name will be added to the roster below the show’s title. Check back in the guide a few times each day and you may see new shows pop up with a variety to enjoy!
Remember, this is a Preview guide. It’s designed to give you a taste of the first episode of the show and give you an initial opinion and some thoughts on whether the show has potential. These not intentional This is a general judgment about the entire series. All reviews use the same rating scale: 1-5, with 1 being the lowest.