Vault Comics Announced plans to adjust popular West Dead acres As a graphic novel. writer A strange cul and artists Riley Brown The project will be led, which will be based on Rhett Bruno and Jaime Castle Click on the weird Western novella of the same name.
Read Vault’s details here:
this Award-winning Volume 1 Black badge series, Dead acres It’s the story of James Crowley, an unincorporated person who encountered his deadly apocalypse in the sound of gunfire and now finds himself in purgatory, serving the White Throne to avoid falling into hell. The best undead he hopes is the undead, and although he is not alive, the best thing is to get rid of slavery and disappear. His less sacred duty as the hand of God? Use his new abilities to find demonic creatures that penetrate the realm of mortals.
This graphic novel was written by the famous writer Cullen Bunn (Harrow County,,,,, Sixth shot,,,,, The last book you read), drawn by Riley Brown, colored by fare and designed by the world.
“I’m no stranger to Westerners. I’m a big fan of the genre. And, supernatural Westerners rooted in prose are really my fanatics. So it’s fun to me to create stories like this,” Bunn said. “The Gunner James Crowley returns from the grave, a fanatical actor who is a character with potential. There is no end to the story that can be harvested from his adventures.”
“Nothing is more visual and intrinsic than a good Westerner,” said Black Badge co-creator Bruno. “Put a little magic, what can beat it? It’s been a dream to see the black badge in comics since we came up with this idea.”
“Working with industry heroes like Cullen and Riley actually made my dream come true.” Black badge Co-creator Castle. “This is the best Western comic ever. Like a striking oil.”
Full-color novel Dead acres Will be available on September 16 and is now available for pre-order. at the same time Black badge Novels can be found from The book is goneand printed and audiobook versions, by Roger Clarkcan be Black Stone.
Check out the exclusive preview below!