Following last year’s staff changes, Stephen (Fluffy) Baker will become the new conference director

The Ohayocon Ohio event staff announced its new senior leadership team Wednesday. Stephen (Fluffy) Baker is the new conference director. William T. is the Associate Conference Director, Xander S. is the Director of Operations, and Andrew T. is the Director of Social Media, Public Relations and Marketing.
Ohayocon 2025 to host anime directors Watanabe Shinichialso known as Pot Shen(Excel legend, Brother Nerima Oyasu, Poem of Punipuni, wallflower, Heaven and earth are useless GXP) and American industry guests Samantha Inoue-Hartcurrent production supervisor N Lite version.
Ohayocon shared a quote from the new conference chairman “Fluffy”:
“I have been a part of Ohayocon and events for the past 15 years, and I am excited to serve as Conference Director. Our work has undergone dramatic changes, including a new senior leadership team that will Bringing a new conference location to Dayton will benefit attendees by reducing costs across the board, and we are excited to bring a new experience to those who look forward to this conference each year.
The next event will be held from January 31 to February 2, 2025.
Ohayocon 2024 was held last January. However, last year, following the firing of former conference president Cody Marcum, who had worked with Ojai since 2009, and Erin, including former senior leadership members and longtime volunteers More than 91 people boycotted the convention. [last name withheld by request]former marketing director.
Negotiations between COVEN, a group of former Ohayocon volunteers seeking to address the concerns of the Ohayocon governing body, and the CESI Board of Directors (CESI) began as early as March 2023. Board members “get paid more than the average compensation value of staff leaders who don’t serve on the board,” immediate adoption of a code of conduct everyone should abide by, more transparency on budget matters, updated labor policies, and CESI’s “outright” purchase and ownership of Ohayocon of branding materials, including logos and mascots.
There are debates about topics such as finances. Ultimately, it was a emblem dispute involving the then official emblem of the Convention – a red cross in a circle on a white background – which violated the Geneva Convention, and the new ‘Sakura’ emblem – another red circular emblem, But with a white cherry blossom in the middle – which ultimately led to Marcum’s firing. Marcum changed the logo, which had copyright issues surrounding a similar logo for the American Cherry Blossom. According to CESI, he did so without their approval, so they voted to oust him and former marketing director Erin in October 2023. Members of senior leadership are boycotting this year’s event.
Source: Email correspondence