Reviewer Rating: 4.45/5.0
Have we really reached the penultimate episode?
Is Wicked Season 4 Episode 13 the last we can expect from another episode of this thought-provoking series?
Damn it’s just means Bring evil to an abrupt end.

If you’re looking for details, we have a full review of Fear the Evil . This is where the discussion happens (as if I were hoping to do justice to evil with words on paper).
There is no doubt that Christine’s words speak for all those who bring evil into our lives and for those of us who witness it. This isn’t just sad; it’s mean.

We have indeed reached the end of the road, but there is still much to explore. Just check out this list of goodies:
- There are two “Case of the Week” storylines.
- In fact, David’s relationship with the “entity” did not slow down, but continued to strengthen.
- Ben is very close to understanding what’s wrong with his brain, but the problem remains unresolved.
- Sister Andrea battled and defeated multiple demons.
- Leland revealed some of his experiences with the entity and why he turned his back on the church.
- The aftermath of remote viewing emerged, suggesting that Leland and David now have fragments of each other inside their bodies (this has nothing to do with the actual fragment of St. Joseph’s thigh bone)

This story doesn’t end at the end of Wicked Season 4 Episode 14, and I hope with all my heart that Michelle and Robert King stick around and give us a new lease on life.
They try to find closure for these characters they love by looking through their alter egos at their potential futures, but like us, they’re not ready to let them go.
So, let’s break it down piece by piece and see where we are.
Case of the week
I honestly thought we had seen the end of these, but instead, searching for relics in the church and assessing whether Stephen Hawking (I mean John Taupin) should collaborate with the church on quantum analysis was perfect for the time, And add to the end instead of taking away from it.
Catholicism is known for its mysteries, and the discovery of holy relics in parish sanctuaries serves a good purpose. Maybe not as good as seeing ghosts conquer a building after it’s been desecrated, but it’s close.

In a church setting, throwing a bone to Ben (and Asif Mandvi) to one of the world’s most eminent theoretical physicists seems impossible. The evil nugget surprised us all.
For thousands of years, the church did not survive by wings and prayers. They have been in close contact with the world’s greatest thinkers.
What we don’t know about the church will fill many different series. All we want is for the evil to continue.
Despite story crossover, Ben’s brain issues remain unresolved
When Ben had a flash of inspiration and discovered that Taupin was hallucinating and acting strangely due to the self-medication that Ben experienced in the particle accelerator, I thought he might be on to a cure.
Doesn’t it mean he doesn’t know how to do it? They could have shoehorned it into the finale, but I felt like Ben was stuck.
When your brain is hacked like his, there’s no magic cure, even on a supernatural show like Wicked.
Did you know? It doesn’t matter. We don’t need all the answers, but we do need to know that Ben will find a way to adjust to his new normal. Maybe it means choosing a completely different path in life.

Sister Andrea forced to retire
Sister Andrea is about to retire to the convent from Wicked Season 2 Episode 7 “S is for Silence” and it was this one that made such an impression on me that I still feel like I just watched it yesterday of.
She was so dynamic and saw things that the male clergy only wanted to see. So, of course, she was punished. David briefly considered the people they met there, wondering if Sister Andrea actually liked it.
No, she won’t like it. Their arrangement was that if she did encounter evil, she would just have to watch it happen. Without her voice, she cannot defeat evil because it becomes so easy for her to do so.
She seduced a grouchy demon who ate the relics of St. Joseph and tore two flesh-eating worms from David’s spine.
Sister Andrea always had work to do. Perhaps she was the trigger for the church to reconsider the need for silence.
Of course God would not agree with her keeping her mouth shut while pure evil runs amok. Then again, to the best of my knowledge, I’ve never understood God’s motives in religion, which is why I’m an agnostic like Christine. I have so many questions.

david’s redistribution
The final assessment is more than just having our assessment team go through the motions. It was also to introduce David to his new boss and provide more insight into the church and Leland Townsend.
Did you notice that even before Leland broke the news that the two of them were hanging out, David was acting differently? he retorted, more forcefully. It seems that the shorter working hours now give him more confidence.
This confidence also makes him question his own purpose and beliefs.
David was hit hard when the church wouldn’t tell him why it didn’t want him to observe Leland from a distance. But what shocked him even more was that he might have taken something of Leland away from the experience.
Who wants to have something in common with Leland? But David understood what Leland meant when he said at some point that he couldn’t see the difference between the church and what they wanted him to see.
You’ll see ugly things doing the same thing. David has seen it. If our only true gift is free will, then the more you see this extraordinary vision, the harder it becomes not to use it.

David has already experienced the human lie detector, which Leland noted was iconic for him. He warns him that people disappear when they are no longer relevant, and then David learns that LeConte has died and Father Dominic is sent.
If David was closer to the action, how long could he survive? He could barely hold on now.
It would be dangerous for him to be away from his job and the people he loves. One wrong move and he could be the next person never to be seen again.
The charm of the road not taken
Through it all, each of them is haunted by the temptation of a path they did not choose.
Ben seemed relieved to know that he was a family man. Christine keeps thinking about her doppelganger and enjoying life.
For the first time, David sees his alter ego using hatred as motivation, quite powerful for a man dedicated to faith and love.
Their thoughts of others and what could have been are not gone; It is increasing. The more uncertain they are about their next steps, the easier it is to try new things.

With one hour left, we won’t get the answers we want. How can we? But it seems like we’ll get a little more to think about, maybe enough to make us think about our own lives and whether we’re where we’re supposed to be.
Throughout the story, Evil opens doors for us to peek around. These doors usually close without explaining what we are witnessing.
Life is always opening and closing doors. It’s what we do with these experiences that makes them valuable. There is no doubt that “Wicked” is worth watching.
So, whatever the evil ending is, I can accept it. It’s one of the most satisfying series out there, but I’m embarrassed by the number of times I’ve watched it. However, this will always stay with me. I will refer to it often.
As much as I hope the show continues and that some lingering questions are answered, that’s not the way life is and I wouldn’t give anything for any of it.