David was promoted because Father Frank was retiring, but David said it was a “black lover,” meaning he was promoted because the church was going bankrupt. This was perfect for Cheryl as we attended the memorial service. She didn’t want a bunch of people sitting around crying, she wanted to tell funny stories, and that’s exactly what we saw. Even though no one there could recognize her, the love for Cheryl was felt. David and Kristen have another intimate conversation that further demonstrates their love and closeness.
Kristen is talking to a new character named Ellie, who seems very comfortable in the home and seems to know Kristen well. She claims to be Laura from the future and warns Kristen. Of course, Kristen’s reaction is as expected and you just want to scream at her to hear it, especially with the return of Demon George.
I enjoyed watching Kristen confront Andy when she learned of his cheating. I really wanted her to hit him. She had always denied her love for David out of respect for him, and he had cheated on her. At least she was free to pursue her heart’s desires. When she got home, Ben was comforting her. Their friendship with David is part of what makes the show so great. Christine needs her children.
David’s fears become reality when he is told that the evaluation has been cut and that he must fire Christine and Ben. Ben finally told David what fans have been saying all along – go get with Kristen. It was obvious to those around them that they were madly in love. David gave a very touching reason for why he couldn’t give in.
Meanwhile, Leland presents an insanity defense from his eccentric lawyer. However, it turns out that his “incompetent” lawyer is actually a giant demon, an evil force that has come to New York to destroy the world. We’re finally making some progress in the story this season. It’s definitely a slow process, but the rewards feel like they’re coming quickly.
I’m going to start talking about this episode. After Ellie reveals herself to be Laura from the future, we see Ben’s usual investigation, and we’re given the explanation that she’s actually the woman Andy has been sleeping with. I’m not sure I fully believe this, because how did she know David would be moving into the apartment in six months? This explanation doesn’t explain everything she said.
I loved the emotional aspect of this episode and the development of David and Christine’s relationship. The girls are still one of the best aspects of the series, and taking down the bad guys is always a treat. Plus, it’s awesome to finally see “Evil” come to New York. I really hope Ellie is the future Laura and not Andy’s mistress. What did you think of this episode? Leave a comment and remember to contact me at @jereereviews to discuss more.