© Hashimoto Yu/Shueisha/Lilissa Production Committee
Episode 9 2.5 Three-dimensional temptation Spend a lot of screen time on a little space.
A lot of the potential introduced in last week’s episode is underutilized here. I wish we could have spent more time exploring all the different reasons people cosplay. Maybe get the backstories of various characters when Lisa visits the cast – trying to figure out why she enjoys doing this and clarifying the purpose of her hobby. I know it’s not necessarily fair to judge a show on its inauthentic content, but it seemed like we were ready for more engaging story beats with last week’s finale.
Instead, we mostly see Lisa crying and overly direct dialogue. I have no problem with the conclusion itself. It’s great that Mayura has rekindled her love for her hobby and she gives succinct reasons for having it. “I do it because I love it” is not a cop-out answer for anything, especially a hobby! We only live once and we should enjoy everything. We shouldn’t need a reason for every little thing. Sometimes we do things to lighten our time here on earth, and that’s totally fine.
But despite that, I think Rissa realizes this too easily. We don’t learn anything new about her or Okumura, and everything is…done. There were some tears and concerns about timing, but it also might not have happened at all. Also, I know Okumura was just trying to be encouraging, but the line about not caring about the club room didn’t sit well with me either, since it was the main conflict for a few episodes, and it seemed like it undermined their attempts to solve the problem. Nothing in this episode was outright bad, but there were so many missed opportunities that left me discouraged.
Grant is the co-host of The Knife Licker Podcast and The Super Seniors Podcast.
2.5 Three-dimensional temptation Currently playing on HIDIVE.