What do you think Episode 8 of
Acrobatic travel? Community rating: 3.8

© Sawada Yone/Shueisha/”Acro Trip” Production Committee
The fact is Stunt Tour Having so little concern with being a functional television show is one of its greatest charms, in my opinion. It looks like hot garbage, its characters are all incompetent lunatics, its story mostly serves as a silly joke delivery mechanism, and its focus on plot and world-building is a distant second on the priority list. At least, that’s the case most of the time. Last week, we saw what happened Stunt Tour Deciding not to care and giving Chrome and Mashirou some backstory is… not bad! It’s not the funniest episode of the series by any means, but it’s entertaining enough. However, this week, Stunt Tour Goes the extra mile to introduce new story elements and supporting characters, with… mixed results.
Of course, this also means I’m once again in a situation where I’m eating crow, since I was the one asking for the wacky new supporting character a few weeks ago. The thing is, I hope these new characters will be…interesting, I guess? I chuckled at his audacity. Stunt Tour Chizuko’s secret teacher father is introduced as a plot element that Grandpa casually reveals off-screen before the episode begins, but it’s pretty much the only interesting thing about this guy. Like, I heard a joke that he’s just as much a tokusatsu goofball as his daughter, except Dad Ida’s obsession is with Chrome instead of Berry Blossom, but that’s pretty much all the show has to say about the character this week. He’s introduced, gets a few bonus minutes, and then disappears completely until he makes a lame sight gag at the end of the episode. The sauce is bland, man.
I feel the same way about Kokoa, the emergence of this new antagonist that makes Chizuko and Chrome’s lives even more ridiculous and inconvenient. I like the idea of a “villain” character who is determined to have a relationship with everyone in the cast. Still, Kokoa’s whole ruse is that she’s a little girl who’s as prone to crying over loss as she is to stealing Chizuko’s new magic card and breaking into the Magna base. I’m also confused as to why her close friend/nanny Tsuki just… doesn’t have a full face, like he’s a random background extra who accidentally played a character with lines.
The final sketch of the episode, with Chizuko and Chrome crashing Berry Blossom’s local handshake event, was the cutest scene of the week, but it was only a few minutes long and didn’t really go anywhere. At least, we did get one It’s a hilarious joke when Berry Blossom nearly breaks Chrome’s hand at the wrist. Still, I hope a funny joke isn’t the most memorable part of this disappointing and disjointed episode. Stunt Tour.
Stunt Tour Currently streaming on Crunchyroll.
James is a writer with many thoughts and feelings about anime and other pop culture, which can also be found in twitterhis blog and his podcast.