What do you think Episode 7 of
Acrobatic travel? Community rating: 3.7

© Sawada Yone/Shueisha/”Acro Trip” Production Committee
Man, I can’t remember the last time I needed a silly comedy about incompetent idiots and magical fools as much as I do today. Stunt Tour Probably the same as before, the writing is inconsistent and looks cheap, but you know what? It still makes me giggle. It was worth it, damn it.
Also, I have to say, I didn’t expect the show to continue teasing Mashirou’s true identity with a full Mashirou/Chrome origin story. Stunt Tour Not a show that desperately needs world building, but hey, I guess I’ll take it! The key to this flashback episode is that Shinshiro wasn’t just the red-haired kid formerly known as “Mashima” who inspired Chrom to pursue his evil cause; He and Chrome are rivals of Ohmizu Technica, both vying for the favor of Ohmizu himself. Still, I’m not sure what impact Ohmizu’s involvement in the narrative will have, aside from showing up to the company that’s clearly been funding Chrome’s pathetic plans. On the bright side, though, we got to see Chrome’s magical bear stop a rampaging elephant at the Ohmizu concession stand, which was enough to tide me over until we see what the future holds for the company.
Even more compelling is Mashirou himself, who proves to be a capable foil for Chrome. Their frenemy ship is adorable, and it makes Mashiro an even more hilarious and frustrating character as he discovers that not only has he been cursed into a new cat form, but the magical explosion that triggered his punishment is Because Mashiro is destined to be cursed. That said, the weirdos seem to really value Mashirou’s friendship, which only makes their goofy dynamic even more fitting for the show. It’s almost like these cartoons are starting to be treated like real people!
Mashirou and Chrome’s past developments have left me asking all sorts of questions. Is Berry Blossom the only magical girl around since she’s essentially the result of Mashirou’s small corporate feud? Are there other evil groups causing mischief in other cities? Where did Kuma Kaijin come from!
I don’t know what answers, if any, await us, but what I do know is this: This episode features Mashiro getting into a run-in with a bunch of stray cats, and it’s so cute. Their meows even have small subtitles. Please have more people like this, thank you. After all, Chizuko needs a familiar of her own, and the one who turns into a walrus or something will undoubtedly fill that role, come on. Are you telling me that our anti-heroine wouldn’t benefit from having more cats in her life?
Stunt Tour Currently streaming on Crunchyroll.
James is a writer with many thoughts and feelings about anime and other pop culture, which can also be found in twitterhis blog and his podcast.