©Sunsunsun、Momoco/KADOKAWA/Alya-san Partners
The pacing of the show is really bad. We’re halfway through the season and I’m trying to find something to hold on to. The show seemed to go out of its way to either reinforce things that probably weren’t needed or create scenes whose sole purpose was to make me ask questions. I love shows that generate intrigue, but I don’t ask questions because I’m so desperate for answers. Rather, I ask the question because some scenes worked because I didn’t have an important message that the show was explicitly withholding from me.
I don’t know why it took Arya so many episodes to confront Yuki about her relationship with her brother. You could probably argue that it’s not her place to judge these things, but the more I think about it, the more I think it was bold of Arya to kiss Kuze and indirectly confess to him when she had enough room to assume he might have been there of. I’m glad she’s trying to face this and figure out their relationship after finding out they were dating at least four episodes ago. Yuki’s reaction was exactly how I expected it to be, with vague words hinting at a relationship other than one that existed just for the sake of parody, while Kuze was a bit more direct on the subject. I hope the show reveals there’s a legitimate reason why they’ve kept this dynamic such a closely guarded secret, because if it turns out there’s nothing stopping these two from telling Arya they’re siblings, I’m going to be pissed.
I don’t know what the show wants me to think about Arya, but I can assure you that my thoughts are almost never positive. When I finished the second episode, I didn’t expect that I would dislike the character as much as I did now, but even within the framework of the show itself, I didn’t know what to latch on to. We’ve already established that she doesn’t have the skills to be student council president, and Kuze clearly explains to her that Arya doesn’t have the support of the school to win the election. At first, I thought the show was laying the groundwork for an underdog story, which ironically is exactly what Kurtz said Arya needed to do to connect with the student body. But then we get Arya’s internal monologue, where she spends a lot of time thinking about how Kuze isn’t nervous enough about going out with her. Excuse me, how serious are you about the upcoming election, which you are totally unprepared for? Why should I side with this girl if her priorities are so twisted?
There’s a lot of interesting writing and a lot of setting for the upcoming student council election. We’re already on episode six, but it’s still in the planning stages. It really feels like we could get a lot of that message in the final episode, and I hope this feeling of prolongation doesn’t last the entire season. The only thing that really interested me about this episode was the last 30 seconds that introduced a new character who seemed to have a clear connection to Kuze and Yuki. If I had to guess, she could be the maid or someone who used to work at their house, depending on how she calls Kuze. same Honorific words. If we have someone who can connect the dots between family drama and what’s going on at school, then maybe we can have something interesting happen.
Arya sometimes hides her feelings in Russian Currently streaming on Crunchyroll.
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