© Asuto Konishi/Kodansha/I Want Someone Else in My Next Life Production Committee
Episode 3 Like a dragon fiancé It starts with Kirishima’s face firmly inserted into a girl’s vagina, which is a little embarrassing considering I’m on a bus. You’d think I’d know by now not to watch spicy dramas like this on public transport, but I can’t seem to learn my lesson. The temptation to make the most of this time was too great, and now here I am, feeling like I’ve committed a sexual sin.
This got me wondering─has there ever been a scene of cunnilingus in a TV anime? I’ve seen a lot of fanservice shows where the hapless protagonist falls face first into a girl’s crotch, and of course, the extremely unsubtle use of metaphorical imagery. Kuma Arashi Yuribut have TV viewers ever seen an image of a man unabashedly eating? Some surveys (asking people on social media) suggest no, Gainaxraunchy comedy Go to hell 25 years ahead of it, and One base is an immortal The same thing happened a few years later. Still, it’s rare and proves Like a dragon fiancéof fearlessness. What’s more, seeing a man pleasuring a woman is more shocking than stabbing a man in the eye with a fork. Makes you think.
But the important thing is that the muff Kirishima got into so happily wasn’t Yoshino’s, but that of a random girl. Oh, he hoped so, and he happily expressed this to the girl he was sleeping with, much to her confusion and dismay. This leads to him breaking into Yoshino’s apartment, watching her sleep, and visiting her when she’s not angry. This led to another confusing and frustrating conversation. Yoshino insists that she doesn’t hate Kirishima; she just doesn’t understand him. He is willful and willful, and is unwilling to do anything that does not interest him. The things that interest him tend to be strange or violent.
Kirishima is actually an interesting character. Although he appears innocent in the first episode until he expresses his true desire for masochism, he is generally as innocent as a child. His sense of right and wrong is completely distorted and based entirely on his preferences and desires without regard to the humanity of others or the rules of society. His empathy is twisted to the point of psychosis, but he doesn’t understand others well enough to manipulate. He does have some serious issues.
At the same time, it becomes increasingly clear that this is a gangster story rather than a gang-set relationship drama. As tribal leaders hold their quarterly social gathering, something is percolating that could ultimately lead our disaster leaders into conflict, whether they want it or not. But at the same time, it does feel like a gathering of old friends. The story balances the idea that these old men, while they may be dangerous criminals, are still human beings in their relationships and ancient friendships. Old photos of them look like a bunch of people hanging out, greeting each other with love and…well…gifts. Sure, these gifts are drugs, but it’s the thought that counts, right? Still, despite the human nature of their relationship, their moral compass is completely different from that of most people in society.
Nothing highlights this more than the arrival of Shoma Toriashi, Yoshino’s childhood friend and member of the Somei clan, and another person in the OP and ED. I know I said that Akira Ishida Not qualified to voice teenagers, but he sounds young compared to the others Koji YusaHe plays Shoma with the solemn seriousness of a 50-year-old man. Shoma joined the family at just 13 years old after attacking his boss while drunk and/or on drugs, so he and Yoshino have known each other since childhood. Yoshino naturally vents her frustrations with Kirishima to him, like an old friend, and he offers to kill Kirishima for her. Because in his world, if someone hates you, that’s what you do.
Before I leave, I do want to point out Like a dragon fiancé and He DaheIt’s a landmark season for grandparent lovers. No longer your only option Paradise Restaurant and Stardust Crusaders Season. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. You are eating well this season. So happy for you.
Yakuza’s Fiancé: Raise wa Tanin ga Ii Currently streaming on Crunchyroll.