© BIRD STUDIO/Shueisha, Toei Animation
Somewhere in the middle of this episode, I suddenly realized a painful truth: dragon ball malaysia It’s a different world. You may think I’m rambling, but our heroes go to another world, there’s a powerful demon king to defeat, and Goku even serves as our mandatory super-strong protagonist. All we need is some stats screens and there’s no reason you can’t name this show”That time I turned back into a child and had no choice but to go to the devil world”. now one dragon ball Another world It might sound a bit cursed on paper, but we get Suicide Squad from Another World If this proved anything earlier this year, it’s that execution is key and you can get a lot out of a familiar story when infused with just the right amount of goofy fun. The show may check a few boxes when it comes to familiar isekai tropes, but it’s still entertaining enough to create a pretty decent laugh.
Much of this episode ties into a lot of what we saw in the last episode, involving switching between lore dumps and silly jokes, with more of an emphasis on the former this time around. As Goku, Glorio, and Supreme Kai enter the Demon Realm, we learn more about the structure of the Demon Realm and how its three separate demon worlds exist and are closed to each other. Our trio eventually reached the third one, furthest from King Goma. We still don’t know much about how society works here, but we do learn that it means there is a literal class divide to keep the worlds separate, and that Supreme Kai comes from a higher social ladder than Glorio, Glorio seems to be getting something he shouldn’t be getting. Although I certainly wouldn’t expect dragon ball Starting to dig into serious class reviews or whatever, I was at least a little curious about how this would affect things later on, and it definitely made me more interested in learning about Glorio. So far, he’s something of a mystery, and talking about his work with Supreme Kai hints that he might be involved in something less pleasant, but otherwise he seems to be a pretty level-headed guy. Ironically, he comes across as too calm and serious. He could be the protagonist of a different alternate world setting. Goku is Goku, and Supreme Kai tries so hard to control everything that he feels like the real adult in the room, and I hope he keeps that energy going for the rest of the show.
Now, if all that lore stuff sounds a little too serious, you can rest assured that there are still plenty of jokes here, and the episode does a good job of weaving them into the info-dump. My personal favorite was learning how the gate to the Demon Realm is guarded by giant metal goldfish called twisted ones, who don’t like to be reminded that they’re well… giant metal goldfish, and Goku couldn’t help but spend the entire Time put his foot in his mouth and yelled at them for being weird about it. I wasn’t that impressed with the gag about Goku learning how heavy the air in the demon world is, it was a fart joke but it took a lot of effort to make me laugh so I can’t argue with it and I appreciate your effort.
Of course, if you’re here to fight with your bare hands dragon ball We get a lot of action at the end of the episode when our trio goes to get some burgers and ends up getting into a bar fight with the locals. it’s more elastic than usual dragon ball Due to Wukong’s current size, this totally benefits his fight as we get more fluid movements and martial arts acrobatics rather than the typical flashing punches, and having Wukong try to eat while fighting mixes up all the moves nicely All with some great comedy. It does feel very early dragon ball I hope the rest of the show’s battles maintain this level of quality. It’s still hard to tell where things are going (as a bar fight resulted in Goku and others losing their rides.) It does a great job of scaling dragon ball’s setting, as long as it remains balanced and interesting, I’m frustrated with the rest of this weird little otherworldly road trip.
dragon ball malaysia Currently streaming on Crunchyroll.