What do you think Episode 24 of
Shy (TV 2)? Community rating: 4.1

© Bukimi Miki (Akita Shoten)/SHY Production Committee
shy The second season ended with a tearful farewell and a slightly awkward press conference. It’s a subdued conclusion that shows the serialized nature of the original comic. There’s still a lot to adapt and many narrative threads left hanging, but the story of the twin ninjas has come to a satisfying conclusion.
I’m glad Mai’s decision wasn’t too clear cut. We had every reason to feel sunny after True’s super stunt last week, but this ending brings us back to reality, which usually doesn’t have one-sided happy endings. After all, Mai couldn’t stay any longer. You might be of two minds about this. On the one hand, it’s a little depressing that Mai had to die after all the effort to prevent herself from martyrdom. On the other hand, this development works for me because it no About Mai’s martyrdom. Her goal was not to make some noble sacrifice. She is accepting herself and her destiny. For the first time in the entire story, we see her truly at peace.
The ring she gives Fai supports her in accepting her own death. The lotus is an important symbol in many Asian religions, but Mai’s description of it is closely related to its Buddhist significance. As a beautiful flower emerging from the earth, it represents the possibility of spiritual enlightenment despite the evils and attachments of the material world. For Mai in particular, it represents the peace Ai and Hui brought her after the years of pain and emptiness she experienced in the seedy underworld of assassins. Now, what’s a little silly is that aside from the personal/religious significance, the ring also gives Teru the use of Mai’s special ninja abilities. It’s very video game-y, but at the end of the day, this is a superhero comic for kids. Allow for a little silliness.
Once again, my main problem with this episode is its pacing. It delays Mai’s farewell and diminishes its dramatic potential. I timed it and Mai’s body faded away over the course of nine minutes, almost half the entire time. This isn’t necessarily scary in itself – you can coax some effective melodrama out of an unrealistically drawn-out death scene – but shy It was repetitive most of the time. I know I just said this was written for kids, but I don’t think kids need to hold their hands for that long to understand what Mai’s arc is about. Trust your audience more. That being said, I did like the reveal that Tokimaru was the heron saved by the sisters. I think the folktale magical realism intersects nicely with the series’ take on superheroes.
Overall, I still enjoyed the ending. The press conference showcases Tera’s budding confidence and still-overwhelming anxiety, and the appearance of reporter Asuka adds a lovely bookend to the season. Kufufu’s arrest is a surprising development, but one that makes sense. She has the most development among the current Amarariruku members (including Stigma), so she has the most potential to be an ally and/or informant. The biggest unanswered question is former Japanese hero Shine. I believe this is the first time she’s been named, and maybe even the first time the series has acknowledged Teru as the successor to the title. This is a big deal, not least because it explains a lot of Teru’s feelings of inadequacy. Given the similar hero names, and the previously established presence of another older female character who has died, I’m also leaning towards the idea that Shine is/was Teru’s sister – which again would explain a lot! That in itself is enough to capture the imagination if next season comes.
It can be said with certainty shy Did not enjoy the same popularity and cultural penetration as their peers my hero academia. Although they are cut from the same cloth, shyIts approach is more roundabout and its execution muddier. But I have a lot of feelings shy’s heart and emphasize the heart of heroes and villains. While it may be a slow and sometimes unnecessary burn, it burns nonetheless.
Season 2 of Shy is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.
Steve is online twitter While it lasts. If he misspells “Amarariruku” anywhere in the above comment, you have the right to rub it in his face. You can also see him talking about trash and treasure in Anime of the Week.