90 seconds. In terms of screen time, that’s all it takes for A2 and Pascal’s villagers to find a hard-won peace from the onslaught of machines. After risking everything to violate the tenets of pacifism and defend their home, it becomes clear in less than two minutes that there was never any hope of saving the village. You might complain that this is another example NieR: Automata It’s easy to forget the rules of your own story and squeeze some drama out of a war-based conflict; after all, Pascal and A2 should know full well by now that the never-ending tide of machines won’t stop after a measly failed attack. This war has gone on Thousands of years Because the machines have the ability to endlessly refresh their forces before the logic virus arrives and makes everything more chaotic.
It’s easy to forgive some cheap emotional tug-of-war when said emotions work so well in character arcs. I think A2’s emotional journey might even be better Her role in the anime is very important compared to the game as she has a very big role in the second season Version 1.1a It feels less out of place with the rest of the story than it did at the end of 2B and 9S’s 60+ hour adventure. Our resident sad boy’s narrative may feel stagnant at the moment, but the unfolding of A2’s gradual return to the protector and friend she once was is deeply satisfying.
It also helps that she incorporates those raw and engaging “positive” war stories into her half of the story, which are more interesting than some of the repetitive angst scenes 9S goes through. Of course, anyone who has played Neil The game knew beforehand that whatever victory A2 and Pascal might achieve was bound to be met with some frustrating setbacks or something; hell, we could go back to the first five minutes of “de”[B]unked” as proof. Still, watching our heroes come home loaded with monster The pattern against the massive Engels force was poor. we need one small The bad stuff in these war stories is to avoid being crushed by the weight of ever-present despair!
Speaking of despair, it’s clear things are only going to get worse. If 9S’s bloodthirsty temper in the digital archive didn’t clue you in, here’s a most nihilistic reveal: NieR: Automata Delivered: There will no longer be an alternate ending puppet show sequence after the credits! I’m still shocked by the news, and I’m sure you are too. Readers, stay strong and lean on each other. We will ride out the final climax because no force can take the soul-healing vision of those tiny puppet kings and puppet queens from our hearts, no matter how hard they try.
James is a writer with many thoughts and feelings about anime and other pop culture, which can also be found in twitterhis blog and his podcast.
NieR: Automata version 1.1a Season 2 is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.