A2 has always been one of my favorite characters in the DrakeNier multiverse. when i first played NieR: Automata What resonates with me more about her is her temperament rather than the entirety of her character. This is because a lot of the backstory and roundness of her character arc comes from the direction she goes in the game versus where she starts in the events. Yoha stage show. We’ve already seen the events of the Pearl Harbor disaster in Season 1, Episode 6, which explored Lily’s backstory and her fractured relationship with the Johar robot in the bunker. Here, we witness this tragedy again to understand who this Android called “A2” is.
Back in season 1, all we saw was how she killed the little forest king so casually, interrupting 2B and 9S’s mission in the forest. Now, though, she plays a more direct role in the story: she killed our heroine 2B, though she also inherited Pod 042 as a companion, not to mention all the memories she seemed to absorb while taking her away. sword. On top of that, she earns the full wrath of the sad and crazy 9S, which is just the extra complexity this already crazy scene needs.
If “bad [J]What “judgment” has against it is the fact that we’ve seen about half of it before. Some shots from Lily-centric episode six appear to have been lightly touched up and re-edited, but that doesn’t preserve that uncanny feel deja vu From settling in, especially for those who are watching the entire series without having to go months between episodes/seasons. Still, this is a minor quibble at worst, as the story of Pearl Harbor is so crucial to A2’s overall story that it’s worth revisiting, and the brand new sequence at the end of the flashback is well worth it. When we first see Rose’s survivors working with A2’s doomed YorHa squadron, the focus is on introducing the threat of the Logic Virus and giving Lily some depth and context to her Resistance perspective trapped on the surface. Now, we’re looking at things from A2’s perspective, and the bloody tragedy she survived goes a long way toward explaining why she’s remained a rogue cyborg massacre all these years after completely severing ties with YorHa.
By the way, the second season remake also sells the “tragedy” aspect. Seeing A2’s allies conscripted into suicidal self-destruction like bloody puppets is one of the most chilling techno-horror scenes in the anime. The way Pearl Harbor was incorporated NieR: Automata Version 1.1a Still one of the show’s biggest selling points. Don’t get me wrong: when I franchise Can find creative ways to implement multimedia projects, e.g. Yoha play or Pearl Harbor Incident Records comic, but I prefer it because thematically key parts of the story can be more fully integrated into the larger narrative. There are many reasons why the A2 is such a fitting successor NieR: Automataof The deuteragonists come from understanding her transformation from the innocent model No. 2 to the ruthless killer who ultimately takes 2B’s life. Despite all its shortcomings, I think this is an area worthy of improvement. NieR: Automata Version 1.1a has surpassed its source material.
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•This week’s puppet show lightens things up by returning us to Lily and Jax, showing the disastrous consequences of feeding a robot machine-infused sake. The funniest thing is, as her constant need for mackerel suggests, it’s not even the stupidest way for the world to end because the robots ate something that was clearly not good for them.
NieR: Automata version 1.1a Season 2 is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.
James is a writer with many thoughts and feelings about anime and other pop culture, which can also be found in Twitterhis blog and his podcast.