© Hiro Mashima, Atsuo Ueda, Kodansha/FT100YQ Production Committee, TV TOKYO
After taking a break to review the episode, Fairy Tail: The 100 Year Quest back again Coolwith a new opening song. Unfortunately, since fairy tail The OP is pretty much just enhanced snippets of upcoming battles and characters, without much to appreciate other than the song itself. Still, it’s at least as good as the last one, so I’m at least happy that the show didn’t downgrade in that department. I have more mixed feelings about the additional episode, though, as we see the climax of Wendy’s fight with Spider-Man, and while it does have some nice payoffs, the road to get there feels a little less satisfying than it needs to be. Stablize.
But before I get started, we should at least check in on Erza and Laxus, who were just seconds away from becoming Kilia’s dinner. Just as she was about to make a meal out of Laxus, the Dragon Eaters decided to retreat because Natsu had “defeated” the Wraith and they no longer had enough manpower to defeat the Wooden Dragon. It’s a bit anticlimactic, but they’re at least teasing that they’ll be sending their heavyweights to the next move. Kilia made it clear that her relationship with Laxus isn’t over yet, so she’ll at least have something to look forward to the next time they show up.
However, when the rest of his guild decided to back off, Spider-Man still wanted to eat Wendy, who decided to use her dragon powers to settle the fight. However it turns out he can also use the Dragon Power, and when a fifth generation dragon slayer like him uses it, they become more dragon-like, but at the cost of losing control (which basically just turns him into Venom and gave him the symbiote suit, but between the long tongue and the creepy bug eyes, I probably should have seen this coming). This transformation is ultimately too much for Wendy to handle, and leads her to conclude that she’s not really getting stronger like she thought she was, but that she’s only gotten this far because of the people around her.
In any other situation I’d usually be all for this kind of implementation, but in this case it feels really unnecessary. While I’ve complained before about Lucy being more vulnerable in fights than other actresses on the show, Wendy is generally an example of how well they can handle when Majima is firing on all cylinders , as we progress throughout the series, we see her gradually grow in confidence and fighting skills. If anything, she probably has the highest character development trajectory of almost anyone in the world. fairy tailof the ensemble (minus Gajeel, anyway), so it feels a little weird to pause so we can get a weakness, but it doesn’t really feel like it adds anything since Wendy has never been lacking in humility. Of course, it doesn’t help that this self-reflection happens when her clothes are partially torn and she’s held in place by a sticky web, which I’m generally indifferent to most. fairy tailCommonly used brands fan serviceit never no I feel weird when Wendy is affected like this, and it almost feels particularly uncomfortable.
Luckily, it all basically ends up being a build-up to Wendy showing off her new abilities in the form of her magical girl transformation, and while I can’t say it’s all worth it, it’s at least neat in its own right. Specifically, we learn that since she possessed Erin during the battle, she has figured out how to convert some of Erin’s ward magic into her own, and that it comes with turning Erin into a (dragon) A side effect of Force Ghost coming to help Wendy learn how to best use her powers. As cool as that was, it did lose some points for me when Erin seemed to try to force Wendy to kill Spider-Man, only to have him lose the ability to use magic. Figuring out how to control Erin’s ruthlessness seems like a good trade-off for a power boost, so having Erin unequivocally side with Wendy after trying to take over her reign is a bit disappointing . Still, having Wendy need to keep all these secrets from Elsa does at least seem like it could have some serious consequences down the road, and while it’s hard to guess whether the show will actually commit to that, there’s enough there The potential, I think would be interesting to see how it turns out.
Speaking of disappointed, I somehow didn’t realize until now that Meester hasn’t made an appearance in the entire sequel so far because I’ve never been a fan of his whole double triple agent trick, or his whole Wendy thing , I think it was helped by his absence. While he doesn’t show off his usual badassery here, his first appearance here does show that he’s still just as bad as before. He seems to be more brainwashed by the White Mage than the other guild members, and the White Mage realizes that she could have been using his teleportation magic to destroy the sphere, saving time in the final episodes of the fight. I’m sure he’ll eventually return to normal, but I’m in no rush to see him return to the guild, so as far as I’m concerned the show can take its time however it wants. With him destroying the last orb, the White Mage appears to have succeeded in her plan to strip the Wooden Dragon of its powers, but I have a feeling things aren’t going to turn out the way she imagined, and it’s looking pretty bad. It’s possible that she did just the opposite. We’ll see how that plays out in next week’s episode, but considering how shaky this arc feels, I’m glad it looks like its ending is finally in sight.
Fairy Tail: The 100 Year Quest Currently streaming on Crunchyroll.