© Hashimoto Yu/Shueisha/Lilissa Production Committee
Episode 13 2.5 Three-dimensional temptation Perhaps it does its best job of introducing new characters.
I’ve always struggled with how cavalier the entire cast has been about every aspect of their characters so far. Don’t get me wrong, I love my hobbies and everyone should celebrate their unique interests. All passions are foreign to outsiders and in some way “you like” Whator not? It’s all gas, no brakes, which is fine for a while, but hitting the occasional roadblock helps make these passion projects more meaningful. Some of those roadblocks include things like club room issues or club issues. .
That’s why I think Nonoa is a unique addition to the cast so far. She enjoys role-playing, but she has many social difficulties that make it difficult for her to fully interact with the role-playing world as she would like. This creates tension and friction, which is just the spice needed to add conflict and stakes to a mundane plot. Nonoa’s inability to express herself or connect with others, either due to a haunted past or cruel things people have said to her, made for six great little moments in this week’s episode. This is usually meant for laughs and funny reaction faces, as it’s an animated representation of social anxiety and apprehensive emotions (I think the static black tendrils are a particularly great touch). While I hope Noonoa eventually joins the cast and heals from her past trauma, I also wouldn’t mind if we got more from her conflicting feelings and inability to communicate for at least the next few weeks.
Grant is the co-host of The Knife Licker Podcast and The Super Seniors Podcast.
2.5 Three-dimensional temptation Currently playing on HIDIVE.
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