©Janome/Kodansha/”Twilight Outfocus” Production Committee
I’ll admit it: As a comic reader, I’m curious how Twilight out of focus The reason why we have to deal with the last two episodes is because starting from the tenth episode, it has run through the basic love plot of the main story and the two volumes of side stories. As it turns out, the answer is that it plans to go back and cover some of the Mao and Shang Zhi material that was skipped in the assigned episodes. It’s an interesting choice, as we’ve already seen some of the music videos they were hired to shoot this weekend; Yoshino was chosen to lead the project in previous weeks, rather than his roommate Kirito. To go back and tell that storyline means deliberately messing up the order of the story.
The idea behind this does make some sense. For three couples each with their own storylines, the adaptation becomes a balancing act. Yes, the anime could have kept just Hisashi and Mao, undoubtedly the main couple in the source material, but that would have run the risk of upsetting fans of the other two pairs, including me, who I prefer over the other Two couples, Ichikawa and Jin. All three bring something different to the table, and choosing an anthology series feels solid. But Shang-Chi is invited to star in a music video produced by the rest of the sophomore team, which is an important step in Shang-Chi and Mao’s story, as we see Mao try to figure out his relationship and what’s going to happen in the future. .
Mao tries to dismiss his concerns, assuming it’s due to Shang-Chi’s role as his first boyfriend, but the truth may be a little deeper than that. Yes, it’s fair that he sometimes wonders if he shouldn’t try to be the more active partner, but not all of that can be chalked up to never having been in a relationship before. If he were just worried about graduating and leaving his best friend behind, many of his worries would be similar – Mao has found a relationship that he cares about and wants to maintain, but the fact is they’re approaching (if not starting) their third year in high school The new and final year is coming. he Know They didn’t have a similar career path in mind, which may have been part of the reason he delayed his career change; once he did, it all became a reality. Mao loves movies and creating them behind the camera, but there’s no guarantee he’ll be able to continue doing so with Hisashi, who may not even choose to study acting. A terrible uncertainty gripped him, manifesting itself in fear and jealousy. When Mao starts thinking about how the drama club took Shang-Chi away from him, he doesn’t realize that it’s also him grappling with the fact that after graduation, things will change and someone might take Shang-Chi away for something. .
From that perspective, the choice to end with a music video storyline makes sense. That this was an outside project rather than something the Film Club did themselves speaks to both Shang-Chi’s aspirations as an actor and the ever-expanding world that all boys face. After Ichikawa moved back home, Kane and Ichikawa had begun to face the world, but Yoshino and Rei were still too new to think about it. But the future belonged to everyone, and Mao had to figure it out, no matter how anxious it made him.
Twilight out of focus Currently streaming on Crunchyroll.