© Rikachi/Kodansha/”Nina of the Starry Sky Kingdom” Production Committee
I have seen and read many girl Over the years, I can confidently say that Nina telling King Galgada that she simply didn’t follow orders was a highlight of a heroine standing up for herself. (Tsukushi slaps the red paper on Daomingji’s head fancy man is another favorite. Not that Nina was particularly good at this, but it still amounted to a declaration of war—and since Set had told her that Noah was planning to invade Fortner anyway, Nina’s actions made perfect sense. Now that she knows the invasion is a done deal and she has nothing to lose, why not take off the mask entirely?
It also does a great job of showing how Nina sees her role in the story. Previously, she was willing to fulfill her duty because she didn’t see many other options and saving Azure (and Muhulum) was worth sacrificing herself. But now that she realizes her sacrifice was pointless, she’s done playing pretty princess, and Az’s presence in Galgada (and the revelation that he’s now King of Fortner) might give her the extra boost she needs power. She’s still not sure what to do with Seth, I think she really cares about him, but I also believe she doesn’t love him. Early in the episode, she describes Seth as feeling like a big animal that likes her, and since this isn’t a furry show, that puts him firmly out of the running for romance. She loves him, but she exist Love the blue.
Of course, Noah is unlikely to care about any of this. If you were previously in doubt about the king’s gender, it’s now confirmed that Noah was physically female, although I wouldn’t necessarily say they considered themselves female. But using the title “King” instead of “Queen” may also just be a cultural sign that men have immense power in the story world – Alyssa is valued because she can give birth to a child with the power of the Star People or Because the child she gave birth to would make it easier for Galgada to exert influence over Forna. no one cares Alyssa In this case, the fact that her father decided to send her to Gargada because she seemed to have no Starman powers was a move that made him stupid because even a basic understanding of genetic traits would Knowing that Alyssa’s children can have the strength she lacks. By using the title “King,” Noah is eradicating these stereotypical girl issues.
All of which is to say that anyone who even remotely knows Nina shouldn’t be surprised that she jumps into the ring when she sees something going wrong. In fact, neither Azure nor Sett were; they jumped right up to her, which also conveniently led to them having a little argument over her. Neither one is willing to give Nina over to the other, and it doesn’t matter who Nina would rather be with. But I think the bigger issue now isn’t that the notorious murderer was the catalyst for Set and Azul’s confrontation – it’s that Thoth appears to have brought the murderer there in the first place, upending Yor’s original plans for his championship. Noah had a good reason why three princes would not make good kings. The fourth one? I think we’re about to find out why the Toa were deemed unfit to rule.
star bride nina Currently streaming on Crunchyroll.