Later this fall, BioWare and EA’s Dragon Age: Veiled Guard will finally let players see how the world of Thedas has changed in the ten years since the events of Dragon Age: Inquisition. But if the latest expanded game preview is any indication, Thedas isn’t getting any better. However, the storytelling in the game itself seems more refined.
Veiled co-directors Corinne Busche and John Epler hosted a 22-minute gameplay video via IGN that delved into the storyline. In this side quest, the player character Rook agrees to help his companion Davlin on his personal mission of revenge. The directors were also given two additional side missions to procure medical supplies for the Gray Warden and find some missing members. This is to illustrate that these missions are placed more organically within the story rather than being unrelated events.
Additionally, the Crossroads is no longer a safe haven due to the war between the game’s antagonists, Thoras and the Gods. Rook and his companions must fight their way through the region before reaching Horsburgh, an area that has been ravaged by the Blight.
Thanks to the Blight, Darkin enemies are getting more powerful in this preview, and Rook even dies at one point before being resurrected. The directors noted that they were giving companions more autonomy in their character arcs, as evidenced by Davlin detaching himself from the player’s party to continue the fight against his nemesis the Dark Howler.
Among other details, faction stores (including the Gray Warden store) can be upgraded to provide players with more attractive rewards. These areas are also designed to be revisited after the mission is over, if players are interested in finding hidden secrets and treasures.
Dragon Age: Veiled Guard will be released on October 31st for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC.