Dragon Age: Veiled Wardens It’s a game about choices and consequences. One of the most immediately impactful decisions occurs at the start of the game’s final mission. Effect this decision has implications for the rest of the game and presumably any future dragon age game, destroying fans in the same “hurt so much” way that hard choices in video games do. But some fans weren’t as sure as it seemed at the end of the game. whether it can be dealt with, or whether there is reason to believe that the affected characters may still appear in the future dragon age?

if you have finished Veil Guardthen you know we are talking about party members daflin and harding. At the beginning of the game’s final set of missions, players will choose either Elven Warriors or Dwarven Rogues to lead a second group that attacks the tyrannical Elven Gods’ base on the Isle of Tearstone. Finally, when you complete the boss fight against Girannain, the Blighted Elven God, your chosen leader will sacrifice themselves to create an opportunity for a fatal strike. They were impaled by the elves’ tentacles and fell into the abyss, presumably dying in battle. However, some fans are still holding out hope that the doomed character will live on for another century. dragon age Based on some key clues.
The main reason for this is that the game itself gives BioWare a chance to bring either character back. Someone mentioned that there was “no trace” after the battle, which means they may have survived and disappeared in some way. Could it be that they were poached by some other entity that we don’t know about? Maybe they’ve recovered and are on their own trying to get back on the team? It’s certainly possible, but all we can do right now is speculate, which is enough to give dragon age Fans have some hope.
Some data mining content also gives fans another reason to be hopeful. Profilers have discovered letters that you seem to be able to read at some point after this mission, which means that no matter what choices you make, someone wants Davlin or Hardin to still be alive and out there. If Daphne sacrifices herself, Hardin will write a letter to her mother, wishing that he and his gryphon son “are not dead, just temporarily gone.” If Harding leads the team, you’ll hear from her mother, who says she has to believe she’ll “see [her] Daughter passes by [her] The front door again. one day. As of this writing, these are believed to have been deleted or bugged, but they’re a glimmer of hope that Davlin or Harding could appear in the fifth installment dragon age The result of the game is.
This is an interesting theory that will be a compelling spin on the final hours Veil Guardwhich could end in any combination of your team dying on the last mission. In a roundabout way, a seemingly inevitable “death” might be what ensures they make it to the next game. But this is all speculation and we’ll have to wait a while because BioWare No plans to make DLC Veil Guard because it focuses on fifth mass effect.