Marvel Comics announces a new Star Wars The series starring Aphra is called Star Wars: Doctor Aphra – Agent of Chaos. Ongoing, by Cherish Chen ((Radiation red),Depend on Gabriel Guzman ((Star Wars: The Dark Ages), after the incident, the archaeologist will follow the chaos Return of the Jedifor she was pardoned for her crime and was recruited by Luke Skywalker to use her skills to achieve the interests of the New Republic rather than herself.

Doctor Afura of the New Republic era traveled across the Milky Way! Rogue archaeologists must work with Luke Skywalker to track rare artifacts! What will she do when the tattoo no longer works?
This book marks Chen’s first book at Marvel, and Guzman’s first since 2010 cable Run, and his first one Star Wars Comics since Marvel regains power. Chen pointed out: “In my humble opinion, there is no more interesting character to be in Star Wars The Milky Way is better than the only Doctor Aphra. Make new adventures for her in this new era, putting her into increasingly difficult moral dilemmas and testing her determination (with some familiar faces) is really like playing in the ultimate sandbox. Our favorite chaotic agent is back and I can’t wait to share what we’ve been doing to get everyone to see Gabriel’s incredible dynamic art. ”
edit Mark Paniccia Added: “Aphra fans will love this unexpected new status quo, and even our outstanding doctors are hard to work hard.
Chaos agent #1 will be released on June 18 and will be published by EJ ONplus variants Sara Pichelli and Karen S. Darboe. Meanwhile, Marvel’s New Republic Era Star Wars Comics will be launched from the restarted main series Alex Secure and Phil Noto May 7; Although Dr. Aphra herself will be over ten years old, she will be 10 years old, but she will be 10 years old. Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larroca‘ Darth Vader #3 Falling on March 25.