This is a trailer for a movie called “Super Dark Movie” black eyed susan. The film centers on a lifelike robot built to receive and “enjoy” sexual abuse. It’s like a darker take on Ex Machina.
In the film, “down-on-his-luck Derek (Damian Maffei) is hired by a shady tech industrialist to “test” Susan (Yvonne Emily Telkin a splashy debut), a lifelike robot designed to accept and “enjoy” sexual abuse.
Initially hesitant to participate, Derek accepts but soon finds himself drawn to Susan’s evolving personality and curious nature.
“As the robot’s expanding humanity slowly weakens him, he learns more about his secret desires, and he questions whether his mission—even for a robot—should be condoned.”
This seems like a very disturbing story, but also sobering. This movie is from the director Scooter McRaeIt has been 21 years since I directed a film. This movie also stars Mark Romeo and Scott Fowler.
black eyed susan Scheduled to premiere at the 2024 Fantasia Film Festival.