One year after announcing a new partnership with Disney to produce a series of children’s graphic novels featuring beloved iconic characters, Papercutz, a Mad Cave Studios unit, has added another title to the series. The protagonists of this work are a large group of dogs. Debuted in February, Disney Classic Graphic Novel: 101 Dalmatians It will be available in two formats and is adapted from the 1961 animated film.
Read on to learn more.
Dalmatians Pongo and Perdita just became parents to fifteen adorable puppies. Everything was going well until one day poor Cruella De Vil captured Pongo and Perdita’s puppies in London, along with all the other Dalmatian puppies! With the help of Twilight Bark and many friends, Pongo and Perdita embark on an exciting journey to hunt down the evil puppies and save their children.
Relive the magic of Disney’s 101 Dalmatians in this vibrant, full-color graphic novel adapted from the film!
Disney Classic Graphic Novel: 101 Dalmatians The book will be available in hardcover (ISBN 9781545811504, $12.99) and paperback (ISBN 9781545815571, $9.99) on February 25, 2025. bookstore.