It’s been a good Gamescom for Diablo 4 so far. New hate container feature and Spiritborn class.
Blizzard wants to keep those of us stuck at home involved, too, so the developer has announced a new Mother’s Blessing event that’s happening to coincide with Gamescom week. It was supposed to start at the start of the show yesterday but sadly that didn’t happen.
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If you’re not familiar, Mother’s Blessing is Diablo 4’s version of the double XP event used in many other games. you don’t quite Earn double the XP, but it’s still a significant boost. As usual, this week’s event should give all players 35% XP and 50% gold. Bonuses are also multiplier, so they add up quickly.
The event was scheduled to run from August 20 to August 27, but anyone who tried to log in yesterday will tell you that it’s not actually live. Blizzard revealed on its announcement page that an issue occurred that delayed the start of the event.
“We will provide you with more information once a fix is implemented. We apologize for any inconvenience.
When Mother’s Blessing is in effect normally, you can also expect all rewards to stack with the Elixir and Seasonally Progressed Urn of Aggression. Combined, they really speed up how quickly you earn XP and gold, which is pretty crazy considering Season 5 already has some of the fastest leveling curves we’ve seen in Diablo 4 to date.
It’s also worth remembering that Mother’s Blessing affects seasonal and eternal realms, so everyone can enjoy these bonuses.