It’s easy to get excited about Diablo 4 right now. Following the overhaul of base loot and item loadout in Season 4 and the new end-game activities and quality-of-life improvements in Season 5, the game is now in its best shape ever.
In the near future, we can expect another major shakeup in Season 6, which will kick off with the release of the game’s first expansion, Hateship. So it makes sense that Blizzard would want new players to join the game now, and the developers have timed this particular free weekend particularly well.
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On Steam, Diablo 4 is currently free to play from now until Tuesday, August 27th. In addition to the gameplay, system, and mechanical changes that have been made to Diablo 4 over the past few months, the timing of this experiment is particularly good for another reason.
The trial coincides with the Mother’s Blessing event, which increases XP earning rates by 35% and gold drop rates by 50%. The event was initially bugged, but Blizzard has since fixed it so you can participate directly without worrying about winnings not being calculated.
In an effort to get even more loot, Blizzard has also decided to bring back Goblin March, another in-game event that everyone loves. Unfortunately, this event doesn’t start until after the free weekend and Mother’s Blessing.
Goblin March, as the name suggests, increases the number of Treasure Goblins in the game and increases the chances of players encountering them. Don’t be surprised to see two or three of them at the same time. You will also encounter more Greedy Temples, and after killing the Golden Curse World Boss Greedy, you will even find a lot of worms.
March of the Goblins will begin on August 27th and will remain online until September 3rd – a week when goblin encounters will increase.