January is traditionally a dumping ground for movie studios who know things are in dire straits or have no real other place to go to schedule. damn Oddly enough it falls into both categories. This movie is both stinky and weird. like a period horror movie Robert Eggers‘ Vovich evoke both thing and alien. But unlike those classics, Damn it, directorial debut Todur Parsondragging on until the final, depressing ending, which is sure to be remembered by all.
The film begins promisingly with a widow, led by odessa youngtrying to make the most of a year’s catch. It was also a very lean year and the crew she employed were struggling to make money. The death of her husband Magnus last year has cast a heavy shadow on her and the crew. Then one night they discover a ship crashed near the “Teeth,” the deadly area of the bay where Magnus died. When some of the ship’s supplies washed ashore, the promise of more to get them through the winter seemed to outweigh the danger. Her helmsman, a reliable, cantankerous man Rory McCann, Think so.

The failure of this attempt is not surprising. They brought back only one crew member and almost nothing from the wreck. When the bodies of the crew wash up on the shore, the superstitious maid warns against the creation of the Evil Spirit, a vengeful sea god. Once supplies go missing and crew members begin to die mysteriously, those who remain are left wondering if they are dead. Or is it one of those?
For much of its running time, the film centers on survival in this deadly arctic world. photographer AKA Aaronson Capture this with beautiful photos of white, blue and gray Iceland in all its desolate and deadly beauty. If the drought-stricken can’t get them, then they won’t be able to get supplies or protect themselves from the cold, they’re sure to get them. But for all the beauty of its background, the figures in the foreground seem lazily sketched. These characters could also be named “Grumpy Sailor,” “Potential Love Interest,” or “Superstitious Old Lady.”
You’ll feel it throughout the entire 89-minute runtime, but not in a fun way. This movie drags. Vovich It may be a film that favors atmosphere and occupies long stretches of direct action, but someone like Robert Eggers knows how to use his thoughtful filmmaking style to build fear while telling a story about false faith crumbling in the face of evil. movies like this alien It works because the movie isn’t about monsters, it’s about a horrible corporation that treats its workers as expendable if it can make money off monsters. Produced by newcomer Parsons and screenwriter Jamie Hannigan damn A stately period horror film about surviving impossible odds without telling why it matters.

then everything is damn It makes no sense because of the ending. stolen from roger ebert and his scathing comments. villageit’s maddening to talk about this movie while discussing the ending in vague terms. Just know that the ending feels insulting to viewers who just invested 90 minutes (and wasted their time) Rory McCann) get there. Our heroine isn’t given any cathartic moments and is literally out of her depth. Any notion of survival in impossible situations becomes moot. This is a movie made by people who seem to absolutely hate the characters in the situation they just created.
Back to Albert’s comment villageHe famously ended the film by wishing he could turn back time and avoid seeing the film, and then avoid paying to see it. This is how I feel when I reach the finish line Damn it. One might be tempted to use a ward from this movie to exorcise the memory of seeing this scene. Instead, viewers will be damned for learning about a film so miscalculated.
Cursed is currently playing in theaters.