Dakota Milton (Total Drama: Island Revenge)
Dakota (voiced by Cali Beverly) is a fame-obsessed contestant who appears on Full Series: Revenge of the Island. Dakota started out as a member of the Rats along with Dawn, Sam, and Lightning, but eventually became a member of the Mutant Maggots. After being irradiated, she turned into a mutant version of herself, but Sam still found her attractive, and the two began a relationship. In her original form, Dakota has long blond hair and wears a light pink top, bright pink pants, and light pink ballet flats. As a mutant, her skin turns orange and her hair turns spiky green. Her clothes looked torn. No matter which version you decide to use for your outfit, you’ll need pink lipstick to complete the look. If you decide to play as mutant Dakota, you’ll need distressed shorts instead of pants, and a pair of scissors to shred your tube top.
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