Samuel Goldwyn Films Releases Trailer for Weird Indie Horror Film Curse of the Sin-Eater. The film centers on a desperate and poor construction worker who makes a deal with someone that involves him eating a man’s corpse.
This sounds like a terrible deal! This film tells the story of Rick (cutship), “A poor construction worker strikes a deal with a dying business tycoon to inherit his empire and property worth billions.
“The deal was that once the man died, Rick had to eat a hearty meal of the dead body. In doing so, he inadvertently inherited many of the horrific crimes billionaires have committed to amass their wealth. and crimes.
This looks like an extremely creepy and disgusting movie, but it’s a great and twisted concept for a story! The film is directed by Justin DentonCarter Shimp as Rick Elizabeth Laidlaw, Marcelo Wrightand Larry Yando.
Curse of the Sin-Eater It will be released directly on VOD on September 6, 2024.